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HOSEOK : *turns to Taehyung*

TAEHYUNG : The man that kidnapped me! *points at Hoseok*

HOSEOK : Didn't anyone told you that it's rude to point?

TAEHYUNG : *covers his index finger* I'm sorry.

TAEHYUNG : Do you know what happened to Grandpa?

HOSEOK : Hm? Oh him, I called the ambulance so rest assure.

TAEHYUNG : Ah Thank you..

HOSEOK : Why are you thanking me? I kidnapped you..

TAEHYUNG : Because I think you're nice!

Maybe it was the drug that still runs, even if it only gave him a small effect but it was still there, and maybe that's what made him more touchy than usual.

HOSEOK : I bet Jimin gave you the thing

TAEHYUNG : mhmm.. *hugs Hoseok in a more touchy and feeling way*

HOSEOK : Oh god *pulls Taehyung away* I'm not a fan or hugs.

TAEHYUNG : S-sorry.. my body hurts a little with no hugs.

HOSOEK : *searches through Jimin's drawer* I know Jimin has sodium or something around but I donno if those can actually help. *gives Taehyung the medicine*

TAEHYUNG : It hurts a bit.. *clutches his crotch*

HOSOEK : Uh, you know what, I'm just gonna leave ya, Jimin won't be back for a couple of hours and that should be enough for you to take control.

TAEHYUNG : W-wait! *pulls Hoseok's sleeve*

TAEHYUNG : I wanna go home.. actually..

HOSEOK : Home is probably here from now on for you.

TAEHYUNG : P-please.. I wanna see Grandpa..

HOSEOK : *sighs* I can't help ya with that.

TAEHYUNG : I really wanna see Grandpa..

He didn't have the right to set Taehyung free and if he did, a big chance of getting fired will come and grab his head in a split second.

But Taehyung pleads him for help, he needs help in a various way that his big doey eyes makes it almost impossible to reject.

But was there something more pleasing? Something that makes it impossible for him to say no, something in the beat of his heart that wants to pump hard and steal Taehyung away even if it costs his high incoming salary to go poof. He could just find another high paying job right? No biggy right?

HOSEOK : Jimin won't be back in a while, meetings with his father usually ends up with a lot of shopping. We have to be fast. *Grabs Taehyung's palm and escorts him out*

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