Explanation + Q&A

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Hello! It's has (not) been a while!
I'm so glad [Not so] Innocent love is finished, it really has been a fun ride for the last 3 months. Really!

I'm going to start of why I started this book:
I was the type of author who focuses on one book at a time because that way I can update more oftenly (this method worked when I updated two days once regularly on ASMR Artist so I kept it)

So I have no plans on publishing. At all. If something, I was planning on publishing this book in my other account.

I was scrolling through a bunch of BTSxV AND NONE OF THEM INTERESTS ME LMAO. Seriously, I'm not calling out authors but all the BTSxV authors seemed like a one person idea.

The plot where everyone of Bangtan is abusing Tae and ignores him. Once Tae has amnesia or something, they'll regret and then loves him again.

That's it.

That's the only plot.

There was one where they all loved to fuck him and every night they take turns but that's that.

So in the end I wanted to make a revolution and brought this dark and yandere concept to Tae. At that time I was in the mood for dark things too because I was updating Crazy in Love which is.. super dark and bloody.

But then I realized I won't be able to time everything right and that's why the writing here is so simple and so fast for me to do. In the end I wasn't sure if I should've done a regular one but it felt like an experiment.

Does anyone remember the R18+ chapters? I'll continue on updating those chapters but I'm not always in the mood so it takes timeee I'm sorryyyw

Q : Did I plan Jungkook to be alive all along?
A : Yes I did, Jungkook was meant to win from the very start. He's number one after all.

Q : How did Yoongi found him?
A : Yoongi found him from that switch. It kinda has a GPS to it but it won't be activated until he press the switch.

Q : No like, how does the switch work?

Q : How did I determinate who'll die and who gets who?
A : Remember when I first ask in the character summary who was your favorite? From that, Yoongi was the last to die because he got the most votes after Jimin who was the second last to die. Jungkook there had a separate role.

Q : Who does Jimin love?
A : Jimin loves Hoseok as a best friend (but at the level of a lover) and he was just obsessed with Taehyung over the fact he's pretty. There wasn't much love but he protected him because he knew Hoseok loves him.

Q : Am I being bias with the characters?
A : I mean, didn't you feel like I put more effort into Jimin? Lmao. But really, it wasn't intentional because I thought the concept of a rich over obsessive brat would fit his concept so well and I really liked the idea.

Q : What changed from the original plot?
A : Hoseok was supposed to be the depressed artist. He found Taehyung by the streets when Hoseok was selling his paintings. After looking at how pretty Taehyung actually is, he felt the need to paint him. After Taehyung leaves again, Hoseok realized painting Taehyung was the way out of depression. Taehyung became the happy pill he needed.

This concept shifted to Yoongi because I had no role to give at that time and after I introduced Namjoon, I scratched the idea and changed Yoongi's role.

A : Namjoon was supposed to die from a car crash

A : Taehyung was supposed to commit suicide in front of Jungkook.

A : Everyone was supposed to have weird deaths like suddenly being attacked by a serial killer, having heart attack etc etc. I really didn't know how to kill people but I made it logical in the end.

Q : So what happened to Taehyung in the end?
A : .... :) lets just say.. Jungkook won so he got to be with Taehyung for eternal. Even after death. Even after reincarnation. That's a sequel.

A : Yes

A : Yes

A : Trust me. I'll definitely make a prequel and sequel (hey it's probably out now and you just didn't realized it) I'm just waiting for when the time is right lmao.

Feel free to ask more questions!

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