W/YG R18+

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Half sleeping, half groaning, Yoongi woke up and ruffles his hair. His head was filled with Taehyung and his cute figure that he wants to protect. He himself worries about letting him go.

"Yoon.." It was cute to hear half of his name in the middle of drooling but it was also too cute for his own sake.

Yea, his droll was mega cute.

Yoongi smiles, brushing his wet lips with his thumb as he feel Taehyung's plump lips moistured.

"Mmh.. Yoongi.." Yoongi blushes. Just what kind of dream was Taehyung having? He shouldn't be moaning his name once let alone twice.

Or was Taehyung awake?

Yoongi presses his lips against the sleeping boy's cheeks. No response.

What if he kisses his lips? Chu. No response.

He dangerously touches Taehyung's stomach but again. No response.

Just how much of a heavy sleeper this boy is? There wasn't anything hard as a rocky abs underneath his shirt, just a soft belly that had never gotten a direct sun light. His fingers circles around his cute belly button.

"Mmh.." Sleepy TaeTae was feeling it. He starts to moan Yoongi's name again.

One thing Yoongi was famous for his for his tongue that's said to send people all the way to Hong Kong.

Oh his gay heart couldn't take it to see someone to moan his name so needy like before.

"I want to touch you.." He licks Taehyung's bottom lips, playing with it slightly by sliding his tongue left and right.

"So pretty." His hands moved under Taehyung's shirt, playing with the sensitive buds underneath.

"Aah~ Yoongi.."

Taehyung has been awake the whole time. He kept his eyes close only because he didn't want to ruin the pleasuring moments he got. But now the cat's out of the bag..

Yoongi didn't stop playing around. He lifted the shirt up more and interacted his tongue with the left buds while fingers plays with the right.

They don't call him tongue technology for nothing.

"Let's see if you can come just by this."

A challenge.

When his hands moves south to pleasure himself, Yoongi grabs his wrist left and right to prevent that.

"Ah-Ah, no cheating,"

He was so cruel. So cruel, Taehyung thought. The tongue left his nips cold from air contact, he shivers but that doesn't mean he didn't like the feeling.

Tongue played with his tongue well enough to know how he's supposed to do this. A few twist and suck did the defined trick. Taehyung was left gasping for air by each moan that escapes. Fuck, this was good. He didn't know he had it sensitive until now.

"Yoongi- hyung..!" His wrist was still pinned, he was left unable to do anything for revolution. At least— at least he wanted to pull the mint hair, he just couldn't take it. His legs started to shift left and right, restlessly as pleasure just went south to hint something.


He was so close, so close to just give in right here and right there. "P-Please.. If you don't stop—" he gasps for more air, how the buds effected the knot in his stomach remained a mystery.

"No, I won't stop until you come." But oh he is, he is coming. As his breath and voice gave a few vibration to Taehyung's nipples. He started to grave down his teeth. His head shifted continuously left and right giving pleasure to both parties.

"W-Wait—! Gonna— gonna cum—"

And then white climax.

Oh dear— dear or dear.

He pants loudly after tongues were released. Little did he actually felt he was drooling over the corner of his lips. He was just tired— but cum stained his pants— wait no, he didn't took of his pants in the first place. It was just now wet and dirty.

"I forgot about that." Damn right.

Yoongi took him to the bathroom with spare changes of his pants. "I'll clean you up." He said as he plans a kiss.

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