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Harley's POV

I was awakened by ice cold water being thrown all over me. I gasp and open my eyes to hear "Wake up!" Being shouted at me. I see that bastard, Zsasz buttoning up his pants. I feel relieved because I know he's done raping me. "You ready to answer some questions now?"

I part my lips like I'm about to speak. But I have no clue what I'm going to say. Before I can say anything theres a loud explosion. My heart skips a beat and I quickly look at the door. It was Mistah J, I just knew it! He had come to rescue me.

"Mistah J! In here! HELP!" I scream.

Zsasz quickly moves toward me with an angered expression on his face. He presses the blade of his knife against my stomach again.

"You aren't going to get the chance to cry to sweety pie," he says then jerks the knife quickly across my skin. I can feel the burn of my skin being cut open.

"NNNNNOOOO!" I scream and can feel blood start to run down my legs.

"I'm afraid that I won't get to stay and watch you and that baby slowly die. But it was fun while it lasted, wasn't it baby?" He says and lays a sloppy kiss on me.

I hear tons of gunfire from every angle when he opens the door and slips out. I cry out loud. I know I'm going to bleed out in a matter of minutes. My baby! Oh my god my precious little baby! NO! He cut me! He killed my baby! No! No!! No!!! Not mine and Mistah J's baby!! I need to put pressure on the the wound! The baby might still make it! I have to get free!

I look up at my hands, jerking them as hard as I could, trying desperately in vain to free myself. The ropes just wouldn't budge. I couldn't slip my wrists out. I tried putting my full weight on the ropes, but it only made the rope secure itself more snugly around my wrists. It was no use, I wasn't going to be able to free myself. My only hope is that my Mistah J can find me before it's too late.

Suddenly my head began to swim. No! I was losing too much blood! I didn't have much time left. My baby! My sweet little baby! It would kill Mistah J when he realized that he lost yet another family. Oh please! Please dear god! Please let the baby make it! Even if I die, just let my baby make it!

The gunfire outside this room continued. Every so often I could hear men screaming out in pain or death. The gun battle seemed to have been going on an hour so far. I can just imagine the puddles of blood everywhere. Please! Please someone find me!

"Help!" I scream but my voice barely reaches above a normal speaking range.

I didn't seem to have the energy to scream any louder. And I knew why, I was fading away. I was bleeding out. I was dying. And no one was coming to my rescue. I was going to bleed out and die, and my baby will die too if it isn't already dead. Where was my Mistah J?

My mind starts to drift off to Ace Chemicals of all places. On the night I was transformed into Harley Quinn. I was submerged a vat of acid. Every part of me felt like it was on fire. I was sinking deeper and deeper. I couldn't hold by breath any longer. The acid spilled into me and everything went black. When my eyes opened again I was looking up into Mistah J's worried eyes. The moment he saw that I was breathing the worrying expression changed into something else. I think it was want and regret. But he kissed me.

He got me out of that vat and carried me to a shower in the employee locker room. He held me to him with one arm and cut on the water. His strong hands ran over both of us briskly under the spray as the acid washed off both of us. As it washed away his hands slowed. His eyes fixed on my skin. His fingers ran across my new white flesh in adoration. His expression was awestruck. He seemed so fascinated by every contour of me.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his fingers tracing every curve of my face. Then he slowly moved his lips down to mine as the water spray down on us, as if he was afraid I might reject him.

But that kiss never seemed to stop because I held on to him tightly, refusing to let him break it. His strong hands started grasping all over my body pulling me into him into him. I thought he was going to take me right there, and I wanted him to. But he broke away and cut off the water. He looked at me with confusion as the water dripped off us and our clothes that had mostly been eaten away by the acid.

He picked me up in his arms bridal style again, and carried me out to his car. His eyes traveled across my body as he held me without effort. He was so strong. He put me in the passenger seat of his purple Lamborghini and fastened the seatbelt over me. He got in and drove straight to what was to be my new home with him. Then he helped me inside with an arm around my waist. He showed me to my room and left. He returned a short time later with clothes for me to put on. He hands them to me and sits at the edge of the bed staring at me with wide eyes.

"Did you mean it?" He faintly whispers to me in the dark.

"What?" I ask, confused from all the excitement.

"Will you live for me?"

"Yes," I say.

"No matter what?"

"Yes," I whispered with a nod. I wanted him to kiss me again. But he doesn't.

The only thing he said is, "Goodnight." Then he left.

The daydream starts to fade and I find myself still bound and bleeding out. This was it. I was going to die. Mistah J was going to lose us both. He would blame himself, even though it isn't his fault. Then I started to feel more afraid than I've ever been in my life.

My head swam even more. I can barely hold my eyes open. In fact, I can't any longer. So I allow them to shut. The gunfire starts to sound distant and before I know it, there's nothing. No light, no sound. Nothing but an endless sea of darkness.

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