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"So what time are the boys coming over?" Erin asks as she flops down on my bed beside me. I groan as I pull the blanket up higher over my head, trying to ignore my friend as she pokes me in the arm through the thick material. 

"Later." I mumble, trying my best to drift back to sleep despite the constant chatter between Erin and Whitley as they lounge around my bedroom talking about outfits, hair, and make up for the party tonight. The party that wasn't happening for another six hours. 

I had finally fallen asleep around six o'clock this morning only to have my slumber interrupted by my two friends barging into my room a few short hours later. Apparently we needed to spend the whole day preparing for Tate's party tonight, and in my mind that meant I should get some much needed rest after the events of last night which left my body feeling drained - the panic attack, not the constant heart fluttering that occurred after my texts with Rave. 

Rave never replied to my last text, the one where I told him I wanted to be more than just friends too. The message was marked read and when I woke up to Erin screaming my name this morning, it was still marked read with no reply underneath. I was trying not to think about it too much, but now that I am thinking about it again - it's consuming my thoughts and I need to know if maybe I made a mistake. 

I sit up and throw the blanket off of me, "Guys I did something last night."

Both of my best friends stop their conversation and stare at me, waiting for me to say more. I look back and forth between them and bite my lip, wondering if telling them is a good idea. I take a deep breath and, "ItoldRaveIwanttobemorethanfriends." 

"What was that?" Erin leans towards me and cups a hand around her ear. 

"Yeah, speak up and stop mumbling." Whitley puts her phone down on my desk and gives me her full attention. 

" I said, I told Rave I want to be more than friends." 

"Ahh!" Erin shrieks as she throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly and causing us both to fall back onto the mattress. "I'm so excited!" 

Whitley is clapping from across the room and I struggle to sit up and peal Erin off of me. It takes them a second but eventually they notice that I'm not celebrating along with them. Instead, I'm still chewing my lip and frowning. 

"What did he say?" Whitley asks as she takes a seat next to Erin and I on the bed, her hand resting on my knee. Erin sits back and her smile fades away as she looks at me questioningly.

"He...he didn't say anything. He never replied." I look down, avoiding their know quizzical expressions. When they're silent, that's when I know it's bad. I shouldn't have said that to him, I must have read too much into his text and now I've scared him away. 

Whitley is the first to break the silence, "That doesn't make any sense."

"Yeah, why wouldn't he reply? It's pretty clear he likes you, did you see him at school yesterday? He was following you around and staring at you like you're the sun or something." 

"The sun?" I look up at Erin and she just shrugs instead of rephrasing. 

"She's right though, it's easy to see that he's into you and he's not trying to hide it anymore, so it doesn't make sense to not respond to you."

"I don't know you guys, maybe I'm reading too much into all this..."

"Didn't he tell you that he should have chosen you? There's no misreading that, Ky." Erin looks at me pointedly, fully convinced that what she was saying was true, but I just couldn't find myself being as confident as her on the matter.

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