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By the time we made it back to my house, the storm was in full swing and we were soaking wet, our clothes sticking to our skin. Rave drove cautiously all the way back to my house and though it was dark and gloomy outside, the inside of my car was radiating light and happiness. 

After I told him that I love him, we took off running towards the car,  hand in hand and laughing. It was like every sad, depressing, haunting thought that clouding my mind was now gone - replaced by Rave and the three words he had just said to me. 

He took away the pain and gave me something better - something to hold on to while drowning in fear and sadness. He gave me love. 

We haven't said much since we got in the car, Rave was focused on getting us back to my house safely and I was trying to not freak out that we couldn't really see the roads. When he pulls my car into my driveway, I remember my mom telling me at breakfast that she works tonight, so there are no other cars in my driveway. 

We both jump out of the car and take off running to the house. I fumble with the keys as my teeth chatter from the cold and when I finally get the door unlocked, lightning lights up the sky. As soon as the door closes behind us, Rave's body is against mine, his lips moving against mine as his wet hair drops water down my face. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as we stumble down the hallway and towards the stairs. 

I move my hands underneath his shirt and begin to pull it over his head, breaking our kiss. He seems surprised by my bold move, but he goes with it, tossing the wet shirt to the floor once we're inside of my room. When his hands are back on my hips, he picks me up and carries me over to the bed, my legs wrapped around him and I take off my own shirt, letting it land on the floor beside his. "Say it again." 

I didn't have to explain, he knew exactly what I was talking about. He kisses me once and sits lays me down on my bed before positioning himself on top of me, his mouth inches from mine. He leans in, the brightest of smiles on his face as he whispers, "I love you, Kylie." 

I reach up and brush his hair back out of his face, "I love you, Rave." 

He ducks his head and leaves trails of kisses from my neck down my shoulder, as his hands start to leave their own trail of sparks across my body. This time, when his hands reach the waistband of my jeans and he looks up at me, I don't say no. Instead, I raise my hips from the bed so that he can peel the denim from my skin. 

There's a pile of rain soaked clothes on my floor and there's a storm raging so bad outside that my windows are vibrating along with the thunder, but all I can hear is my heart pounding in my chest, and all I can see is Rave. 

There was nothing left to figure out, there was nothing to be unsure of. Rave is mine and I'm his, no one is going to come between that - not anymore. I'm not insecure, not when he's looking at me like this. I'm not worried he's going to leave me, not when I can feel his heart beating just as fast as mine. 

"Ky, if you don't want to do this, you have to tell me now." His voice is strained and his green eyes are darker than I've ever seen them. 

"I want this." 


"Don't let me fuck this up, Ky. If I'm do something or say something wrong, if I upset you, if you feel like I'm holding back - tell me. Don't let me ruin this, because I don't want to lose you or this." He motions between the two of us with his hand, the one that is holding mine. 

We'd been laying here for awhile now. Moments ago, Rave had sent Ever a text telling her that he was safe and spending the night with me. I sent my mom a similar text. 

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