kylie's letter

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Can you believe that it's been six years since I first called you that? Can you believe it's been seven years since you gave me that first ride to the station? Can you believe that we're getting married today? 

Married, Rave - you and me, we're getting married. I'm going to be Kylie Matthews. I'm going to be your wife and I'm so excited I can't sit still. 

The past seven years have been magical and I've had so much fun doing life with you. I can't wait for a lifetime of laughter, inside jokes, midnight runs for milkshakes, and whatever else is in store for us. 

Don't tell Erin, but you're my best friend, Rave. You've been there for me in so many ways, so many times and I'm so thankful for you. You're my shoulder to cry on, my rock, my other half and I'm incredibly lucky to have you on my team. 

I used to think that I wasn't good enough to be with you, that you were out of my league, and that you could never want someone as plain and boring as me. I didn't think it was possible for you to love me or want me. But you did - you do - and because you love me, I have so much more confidence in myself. I don't doubt myself anymore, I don't second guess my worth or actions, and I believe in myself. 

I'm the best version of myself when I'm with you, and I can't wait to continue to grow with you. I know you think that I'm this kind and selfless person, but that's you, Rave. You're incredible and I admire you so much. I could never have done what you did, especially at such a young age. 

I'm so proud of you, Rave Matthews. I'm so proud of everything you have achieved and worked so hard for. You have never had it easy, but you've never let that stand in your way - instead you used that as motivation and I'm in awe of you. You're everything that I could ever want or need and I'm glad that you chose me. 

Thank you for choosing me, for loving me, for being here for me, for bringing so much happiness to my life and for bringing Ever into my life. 

You call me Princess, but I wasn't living a fairy tale until you came into my life, Rave.

I love you. Everything about you and everything about us - the good, the bad, the highs and the lows. 

I can't wait to say "I do" because there's no doubt in my mind that I'm yours and you're mine. Forever. 


Kylie Matthews

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