The First Time

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I went inside to where Ashton was. He seemed exciting about this whereas I was terrified after what I just saw. Maybe it was just an illusion, maybe I'm going crazy, mentally. I closed the door behind me and went more inside. The floorboard was wood, a brown type of color. It creaked just a little bit.

To my right, there seemed to be a door way and then to my left, there was another. I looked straight and the stairs were right in front of me. Except when you went up it curved at the top and at Sienna's it went straight. There seemed to be more stairs then at Sienna's house. I walked past the stairs and just right at the bottom of them, was a door. I opened it and it looked like a small closet. Nice.

I went inside the kitchen which was straight ahead of me. It looked like a regular kitchen to me. It was all white, like a chocolate white. It was pretty and wide. There was a long table in the middle of the kitchen, I was assuming it was to cut food. On the other hand, there was another table, but in a square type next to the wall in the corner.

"Hmm nice," I said to myself. That was it, there wasn't any doors after that so I had to get out where I came from. I walked back and entered to my left. It was a library. A library? Who would read this many books? There was a shelf with tons and tons of books. Right across was a fireplace. Cool I've never had one of those before. In the middle of the room, there seem to be a brown leather fancy chair. I guess for reading.

I went out of there and went across to the other room. It was a living room.

Oh huh it was wider and more space available. It was a simple living room with two couch and a table right in the middle of those couches. It smelled of dust and old. I twitched my nose. Ugh smells too old actually...

"Babe!! Come here!!!," Ashton's voice echoed throughout the house. I made my way out of there, where are you?" I yelled. "Upstairs," he said. I went up the stairs slowly. There was a rug that adjusted to the stair form. When I got to the top, across was Ashton standing looking out the window. That's where that thing was. I shivered a bit.

I went over and stood next to him. "Look," he pointed. I looked out and you could see almost everything. It was pretty cool. The window looked shiny and clean. Weird. Wasn't it suppose to be a least a little bit dusty? "Did you see that we have a library?", I mentioned." What? No way you're lying," he said. "Well go check it out for yourself," I pointed downstairs. He ran and that's exactly what he did.

I turned around and saw that on my side there was 4 rooms and the other side it was the exact same number of rooms. Why so many rooms? We don't need these many, it's too much, I thought. Maybe it's not just rooms,maybe they are more than rooms.

I don't know which side to go, so I just stayed on my side. I saw that right across from me was another room, but it looked like a bathroom. I headed to that room. Yep it was a bathroom.

The bathroom had a shower and it's toilet of course. I turned on the light switch, but it was dim. I needed to change that light bulb so it could be brighter and not so dim. Right when you enter, to your right was the sink and then to your left next to the shower in the corner was the toilet. The shower had those sliding doors which was pretty cool.

I turned off the light and closed the door. Next stop was going to see each room. Damn these floorboard were really creaky...

I entered each room, 2 of them were bedrooms and the others seem like just a room, but for what? I couldn't really figure it out. The room all the way at the end, next to the window where Ashton was at, well that room had a creepy vibe. I felt like I was being watched by someone or something. I looked around me because I started getting paranoid, but no one else was in the room with me.

I walked into the room and saw that it was all dusty. My nose started to itch me. I gently pinched it so I wouldn't sneeze. Then I saw to my right there was all these weird instruments. But not the ones you play and music comes out, no. Instruments as in tools for cars and such. Hmm what could these be doing here? Was the owner maybe a mechanic or something?

I went over to the table where it was and stared at them. They were all rusty and brown. In the far end corner of the table was a small box. I was unsure whether to open it or not. I saw I couldn't, it was with a lock from the outside.

Suddenly I felt the rush of a cold wind pass through. I shivered. I turned around and saw nothing else in the room with me. Ugh creepy. On the other side of the room, there was just wardrobes. They were pretty big.

Then I heard footsteps rushing down the hall. I walked slowly towards the doorway. I took a peek and it was Ashton," babe! There you are!" I sighed, he scared the crap out of me. My heart felt like it was racing pretty rapidly.

"Yes,  what happened, did you see the library?"

"Oh my gosh yes I saw! It was fucking huge, never seen anything like it in my life," he seemed more excited than me.

"I just need the other side of the room to explore, but I am a bit tired out now," I explained.

"Come on, let's go relax," he took my hand and down the stairs we went.

He took me into the living room which was to our right when you come down the stairs. Ashton plopped himself down and I sat next to him. "Damn I'm tired," he laughed.

"Me too, this house is really huge, I didn't expect it to be this big," I put my head on his leg and laid down. He began running his fingers through my hair. I adjusted myself on my back so that way I was looking up at him.

"Yeah my mom sure knows how to pick a house out," he looked down at me. "Yeah," I half whispered. He leaned down and his lips touched mine. He began the kissing. They parted and touched. They were soft and sweet, like him. I could feel his smile forming in between.

I grabbed onto his head and pulled it down more towards me. His hands started going inside my blouse. They were warm and felt kinda right. I gently tugged onto his hair. Our kissing kept getting more intense and sped up.

His lips started traveling down towards my neck. He began to kiss it slowly while his hand rubbed my stomach. I didn't know what this was. We have never gone this far, but I was kinda liking it, I'll admit that. After all it was just me and him now.

I bit my lip while he started sucking on my collarbone. I let out a moan. He took out his hand out of my blouse and went for the edge of my shirt on my shoulder. He spread the shirt off a little bit and kissed my shoulder.

I was liking the fact of this new house thing. Just as we were about to get busy something else came up, there was a knock. Quickly we fixed ourselves up and I sat up. Ashton got up and went to go open the door while I sat on the couch, waiting. I sat at the edge and leaned forward to see who it was, I couldn't see anyone...

The door closed. "Who was it?", I asked.

He sat down once again next to me, "there was no one at the door babe." He said.

I saw the look on his face and it seemed like he was disturbed, annoyed. I wonder who that could have been...??

"I'm kinda sleepy baby...i know it's 1 in the afternoon, but I'm gonna get rest ok?," he got up and kissed me. Then he went upstairs. I guess he was gonna sleep in a room. So I just stayed there on the couch.

I laid down and put my head on the arm rest. Little by little my eyes drifted off into sleep....

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