Haunting News

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I took her into my room, well it wasn't exactly mine, she was just lending it to me until I found a place to stay. Technically, the room was hers. Anyways, I took her there and motioned for her to sit down.

"Come on! tell me already instead of you giving me damn hand gestures!," she half yelled. I laughed ,"alright dang."

"Ok first, she had to make unnecessary comments/questions. That just...whatever. Then she had to go and clean her hand after I shook it. As if I had frickin germs on me. So dramatic. I frickin swear dude," I went to the drawers to take out clothes while telling her," afterwards I was being the bad vibe because she wouldn't even look at me. Can you believe that? Can you??." I took every clothing and slammed it on the bed.

"Whoa Diane calm down don't turn into hulk ok?," Sienna laughed. I gave her a shut up face. "Anyways...his dad was being cool about everything.

"He smiled, said hi and I even think he was defending me the right to go live with Ashton. I mean he approved right? So I am going with him." I put shirts with shirts and pants with pants.

"Wait, wait just a minute now..so you're telling me that you ARE going? You're gonna go live with Ashton? ALONE??," why was this such a surprise to her? "Uhh yes Sienna why? What's wrong with that? You jealous that I'm not gonna be here anymore? Is that it?," I teased. She made a confused face. "No wait...first off, do you know what house they bought him?"

"Umm yeah an old house, a few miles from your house I think," I recalled. Sienna sat there for a couple of minutes before thinking. Then she got up and went to the computer. "What are you doing?" I went over to get the suitcase. "You said an old house from here right?," she began typing something into the computer.

"Yes," I put the suitcase on the bed and began stuffing it. "An old house..,"Sienna whispered to her self. I could hear the typing and clicking. I wonder what she was doing? I stopped my packing and went over to her. "What are you looking up?," I looked over her shoulder as she was siting on the wooden chair. "Hold on," she typed something again and a bunch of things came up.

"This look," she pointed to the screen. I squinted just enough to see the lettering. It was some old newspaper about a house. I skimmed it, but still didn't understand. "What is this suppose to be?"

"I knew it," Sienna hit her leg with fists. "What do you mean?," I looked at her and then at the screen. "Read it!,"she said. And that's exactly what I did and this is what it said:

This house was built in the 1800s. It was generally suppose to be for a family, the Lancelot family. It turns out they didn't like how it was arranged and sold it to the Daughtry family. They lived there for years and years. After their first month it was reported by them that they would hear strange noises at night. The police didn't take them into consideration and ignored them. So the family decided to help themselves. They started putting cameras on the corners of the walls and used different techniques. At first they found absolutely nothing. But the noises kept repeating themselves. So they paid a guy to stay awake at night so he could keep watch. In the morning they went to see the guy and it turns out he was hanged by the throat. His body was half torn out and deformed.

The family was grossed out and in such horror. Once again, they went to the police, but this time with the evidence they had. The police started finally paying attention to them and helped them out. Months and months after, the police man was killed at his office, right outside. The family found out and so they felt they were on their own now. Little by little each one in the family died. They were either hanged in unusual ways, died in their dream or died another way.

Years and years past by and to this very day, no one knows what goes on in that house. People haven't dared lived there since the Daughtry family.

It had been mentioned that there aren't any sightings in there or noises. To this day, no one even dares approach the house...not even the builders themselves...

I stopped reading. That made my heart skip beats rapidly. I looked below the article. There was the picture of the guy who was hanged. Ugh it was such a horrible sight. It gave me a bit of chills.

"Wait..do you actually think this is real? What if this is some kinda of sick game?," I didn't want to believe it. Sienna silently read other things to herself. I didn't know what to believe.

"Hold on, I think it is true. I showed you this because one time, I think it was during October , my friends wanted me to go inside the house..alone..," she explained. "Then I refused to go, I didn't want to go in there, so I left, but Abby told me her guy friend went in. They waited and waited for him, hours. He never came out of that house, years later they found him dead outside of that house.."

Sienna looked down and stopped. "That's all she told me...," she looked at me. I didn't know what to say. Then I thought, if this house was really haunted..then Ashton's parents wouldn't have bought it in the first place...maybe they didn't know.

But why would they buy it? They had to check out the backgrounds..right?

"And you're telling me this NOW?," I went back to packing. Sienna scoffed. "Yes, how was I suppose to know they would buy that house for him? Huh?," she had a reason.

She was right, how was she suppose to know they would buy that house. Now what? How was I gonna tell Ashton? But what if the house was calm again? All sort of questions ran throughout my mind.

"What are you gonna tell Ashton? About this..?," she went to sit on the bed again. "I don't know," I really didn't. After I put all clothes inside the suitcase, I began putting my shoes in there.

Sienna looked at me as if waiting for a real answer, but I didn't have one at the moment. She got up and left. I stood there thinking for a minute when Ashton came in. "Babe, you packed everything already?" I could feel his breathing on me. I half turned," not your stuff no, you pack it," I teased.

He laughed and sat at the edge of the bed. "We are leaving tomorrow morning? Is that alright with you?," he rubbed his eye. "Yes that's fine," I said. "Great," he gave me a thumbs up.

I packed all my things into my suitcase and Ashton packed his. It was already night time and still what Sienna showed me haunted my mind. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, I'd tell myself.

Sienna has made dinner for us all which we enjoyed especially Ashton. He alway loved all her cookings. When it was time to sleep, I decided to take a quick shower so I could be calm.

As I was in the shower, I heard the door open just enough to creak. Ashton. It was him of course. "Ashton?," I called out. I waited for his reply, but there was nothing. I took a peak through the curtain and he was right there. A smirk on his face while stripping. Oh god.

I looked away and pretended like I saw nothing. His fingers slowly opened the curtain, "How about if I join you babe?"

This would take my mind off awhile from that old house. And if I said yes to him, things were for sure gonna get kinky. So I said," yes."

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