Telling Ashton

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Oh god. How was I suppose to tell him? About this nonsense that I thought was occurring? How was I suppose to be put it in words that there were "spirits" in this house? Maybe I should just keep to myself. And if something happens to us because I didn't speak up? All these questions were circling my mind.

DIANE TELL HIM OR I WILL! Sienna's mini advice were echoing throughout my head as I stared into his eyes, looking for an answer to explain.

"Tell me what babe?", he repeated once more. He raised his eyebrows wanting an answer.

"That...well," I fidgeted my fingers not sure of what to say next, "I wanted to tell you that ... the house... "

"The house what babe?," he motioned his hands for me to keep going.

"The house is..."

Ring ring ring.

My phone rang. "One second," I told Ashton and went to pick up the phone.

"Hello?," I answered.

"Diane .. Get out of that house nooowwww!" The voice sounded kinda muffled.

"Who is this? Sienna is this you?," that girl always trying to frighten me more.

On their other end, they hung up. Weird. It was probably sienna. As always. I'll get her back when I go to her house.

"Diane..what were you going to say to me?," Ashton didn't forget.

I turned back towards him and sat where he was. I rubbed his hands gently looking for those last words I would say.

I let go," let me tell you later when I'm ready, please." I smiled at him, making
him feel better and not worried.

"Whoa babe are you pregnant? Because if you are...damn." He smirked recalling those nights we spent in the cabin, just the two of us. With white sheets wrapped around both of us.

I laughed lightly," no you dummy." I put a strand of hair behind my left ear.

"Why would you think that?," I blurted out. He has never ever said that. Let alone, he has never even mentioned a baby to me. In a way, that surprised me. We haven't talked about having a baby.

"What? What do you mean why would I think that?" His face quickly changed expression.

"Babe, well for one reason we.... would make a family," it seemed to me like he was just saying that. "I think that a baby would be great."

"But we haven't been married that long?", I questioned.

"The hell with that, we will worry about that later. I mean you know if we do decide to have a baby," he corrected him self.

Wait why were we talking about this when I should be worried about this house and not a baby?

"Right. Ok well you can worry about that while I go to the supermarket," I changed the subject. I did want a baby , but only when ashton really really wanted one. And not because of me or because the fact that wanted to make me happy.

I stood up and went to get my things. Then it was like Ashton was protective or something because he hugged me from behind and rubbed my stomach.

I quickly pulled away. And for that reason because he felt strange to me. At that moment I felt like Ashton wasn't Ashton.

"What are you doing?," I walked away slowly away from him till I hit the wall with my back.

He kept on walking toward me in a hunger kind of way. "I want you Diane," he whined.

"Want me? You've never said that before... Are you sure you're ok?," I asked.

"Why would you ask such a silly question? Of course I'm fine, but there's nothing wrong with wanting you..." He said that in a dark type of sense.

Before he even got near me, I went out of his way and headed for the door. "I'll be back," I quickly said and walked. Well actually I started walking, jogging and then ran.

I didn't go to the supermarket. Instead I ran to Sienna's house.

By the time I got there it was dark already. I knocked on her door. "COMING SHIT!," I heard footsteps and the lockings unlocking.

"Diane! What are you doing here so late? Where's Ashton?," she looked over my shoulders to see if Ashton was there.

"Can I come in?", I gestured.

"Sure come in."

I walked over to her living room and plopped on the couch. I sighed in frustration and confusing.

"What's wrong now? Did you tell ashton? Did that bastard leave you?," she sat next to me.

"Ha nooo to both of them," I fixed myself so that I was facing her directly and not sideways.

"Then? What's wrong? I know something's wrong Diane...." She had that serious tone.

I told her everything. I explain how I was gonna tell him about the house, but the phone interrupted. I mentioned how he brought up the baby thing. That it was strange to me. He has never been wanting to talk about that.

"Hmm that's strange, when you guys were here he never told me about that. He would just talk about how much he loved you, thats about it."

"Yeah well the other strange thing was that he said to me was that he wanted me."
I have never heard him say that to me," my tone was hitched.

"Maybe his manhood is finally here," she laughed," no I'm just kidding. That is weird. I have no idea then. So you didn't tell him at all about the house?"

"This is no time to be joking," I held back my laugh," and no I didn't. Not yet anyhow."

"Tell him before it's too late. If you don't tell him then when? Looks like I'll be telling him," she looked down at her nails.

"Don't tell him! I wanna be the one to tell him. You know if things go out of hand or something. With you he might think something else. So just don't," I made my point.

"Alright alright I won't but you better do."

Suddenly the phone call came to me.
"By the way did you call my house earlier? You and your jokes," I slightly punched her arm.

"What call? I didn't call you. I was out shopping with you know who," she nudged me.

"Ohhh right," I lied. Hmmm who could've called then?

Then the someone knocked. It was a rapid after rapid type of knocks. "Who could that be?", Sienna asked.

I shrugged my shoulders," go check."

"I'll be back."

"Ok," I said.

I heard her open the door, but whoever was talking sounded weird. Like their words weren't coming out right. At first it seemed like it was Ashton's voice, but it couldn't be.

"Dddiiaanneee," Sienna called in a scared voice," come here."

And so with that I went. As I step out of the living room I saw it was Ashton. I stopped in my track because Ashton wasn't Ashton. His eyes were pure red and ready to pop out. His hair was all over the place.

"Ash-Ashton are you ok?", I asked, afraid. I didn't dare walk all the way to the door.

He was about to say something when he collapsed onto the floor. Half of his body out and half inside.

"ASHTON!," I yelled and rushed over to him. Sienna left to call an ambulance.

He groaned, but what caught me off guard was him still saying," I want you."

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