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A/N: HI guys soo um I just wanted to tell you guys that what you're doing is just amazing! I don't really do dedications in this book, but I will because this next person has been extraordinary! They voted for almost every chapter and commented. They said a comment that really stood out to me as a writer. That inspired me more because it gave me motivation to write this chapter even though it may be crappy and confusing. Please follow this person, they are.....WOW! This next dedication goes to @peeta052! Sorry but I have to brag about you. This person just grabbed my attention and inspired me. I am glad someone thinks of those great things @peeta052 commented to me. So thank you darling for giving me that extra push. I don't know you yet, but much love x I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh and today was my first day back to school AYE. It went great. How was your day? :) NOW READ XD


I remember now. I reminisce why I am in the spot that I am right now. The reason? Samara was my daughter. She died of a rare disease she was contained with.

She only got to live for awhile. Ashton only got to see joy in me, in us.

It was like in a movie, everything began rewinding in the back of my head. I held that pink ribbon in my hand and looked up at Ashton.

He finally spoke, "Now it's ok to remember." He gave me a small smile and I began hearing the flashbacks he told.

Before going camping, you were a mess. I'll admit you were going crazy on me when our Samara past away. It wasn't your fault, I would tell you that everyday.

You would simply cry and blame it on yourself, but it was no one's fault. It just happened.

I had to take you to these group sessions and therapy and such. I thought I was going to lose you too, but luckly you recovered.

Yes, it took time, but you did it, we did it. I was relieved and proud of that. That we got through it together.

When we went camping, you were afraid to show love to me. You were better, but you still had that fear in you. You would reject me until finally you stopped being afraid.

That one night, you gave in and well, we were in the bed covers. That is why that other day you were scared to do it once more.

Remember? When we were upstairs, you pushed me away becuase I didn't have a condom? You're afraid to have another child.

I guess that is why you push me away when I try to show that I love you..

That is one reason my mother hates you, she thinks you killed our child. You didn't, but she was so caught up in being a grandmother that she blamed everything on you.

I showed her prove and papers, she wouldn't take that as prove. I think she was hurt too. Perhaps she didn't want to see me broken down.

Another thing was that all this ghost stuff, that was not real at all. You made that up. You came up with this story just so you could forget.

The Kevin and Sienna murders or seeing the ghost, you made that in your own eyes.

I shook my head, "NO NO! That is not true!." I tried to cover my ears, but Ashton held my hands. "Just hear me out," he rubbed my hands.

When you thought I was being possessed by some ghost, that didn't happen either. NONE OF THIS HAPPENED! NONE OF IT.

When you were at this foggy place, you were dreaming. AND YOU STILL ARE!

That baby that you saw on the grass and when it was gone, that was you trying to forget the memory. It seems to be coming back to you, but you tend to push it away.

You don't want to remember, do you?

I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

It's ok, I'm here and if we need to get you help again, I will.

When we were at camp and you dreamt of me dying, that was when your mind started going wild. And Sienna, well she is a real person. She is your best friend, but you made a ghost out of her.

You created a persona based off her. Kevin, I don't know where that came from. That article you read, that was real.

But you just made it up so you could have something to blame it on. The shadows weren't ghosts, they were your memories.

The house was never haunted, YOU WERE. By the memories you forgot for a while. Now that are back.

This all may sound like too much at the moment, but you need to soak that in.

I still had questions in my mind. Things I still wanted to know, things that weren't so convincing to me.

You are dreaming at this very moment. I am too.

Those babies over there, Samra is there. This hospital is where you gave birth. Do you recall that?

Your memories brought you here, not me, not another person, THE MEMORIES.

I know you maybe feel lost or confused, but I promise you the pieces will come into place. You will see.

Remember when you went to the police station? You were going crazy because you thought the house was haunted and it's not.

When you thought there was a ghost in me, there wasn't. None of this was real. The only real thing here is you, me and this house.

Actually that house, well my mother bought it for both of us so we could move on. So we could have a fresh new start. I never intended for all of this to happened. I didn't expect this.

That is why you have been brought here.

That is why the memories brought you here.

Now I was rewinding everything in my mind. Samara dying, the memories even the late night nightmares I would have.

I understood the pieces now. But I still needed answers to be answered.

The flashbacks made me see what was really happening.

Everything made sense now.


OMGGGGGG CRAZY KMLAKMAD I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you think, comments, votes ect. BYEEEE X

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