Ashton is NOT....Ashton?

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I ran up to Ashton while his body was still on the floor. I knelt down next to him. "Are you ok?" I asked, worried as a girl can be.

He didn't answer me, but just groaned. He didn't exactly look straight up at me, but his right hand was trying to find me.

"I'm right here Ashton," I gave him my hand so he would stop searching.

Sienna came back running, breathless. "I tried to call, but it went blank."

What the heck? What did she mean by 'blank'? What is that suppose to mean? You know you're not helping at all!," I half yelled while looking down at Ashton.

"Diane! I called the ambulance, but before anyone could pick up, it was like someone cut the line or the connection. I don't know. The point is, it went BLANK! BLANK!," she was trying to make her point.

That's weird. Why would they cut the connection if we are trying to get help?

"Uhhhhhgg..," Ashton painfully moaned while trying to look up. It seemed like he couldn't. His buff arms didn't help him this time. He was weak and not good.

"Ashton don't move, me and Sienna will help you to the couch," I turned to sienna.

She shook her hand," noooo I'm not touching him."

"Do it," I growled between my teeth. I gave her 'or else I'll kill you' look.

"Ugh," she surrendered and went to help me.

She grabbed the end of Ashton's feet while I held his upper part of his body. He was frozen cold. Like how a dead person would be.

"Careful sienna," I warned while I took steps back to the living room.

We put him down gently. He smacked his lips while groaning in pain. "Diane..." He weakly called out.

"Yes Ashton what?," I went closer to him. "What is it? Tell me."

As he opened his eyes, I noticed something odd about them. They weren't his natural color eyes. It was like there were someone else's. But they weren't his.

"Do you want me?," he said softly.

I looked at Sienna who was ready to burst out laughing. I punched her arm. "This is no time to be laughing. Maybe he's drunk," I said quickly. I don't think he was drunk though.

"He doesn't even drink! All he drinks is water and soda, nonalcoholic liquids," she corrected me.

I didn't know what to answer him. I didn't know if this was my Ashton or if this was some other Ashton I've never seen before. What this even Ashton at all???

"Well..."he coughed and groaned.

"That could mean anything," I said trying to make me stop this ridiculous conversation.

I grabbed Sienna and took her outside of the living room. "Can you leave me Ashton alone? Please? I really want to know what's going on with him. What if this isn't him?," I pointed to the living room.

"and that means..?" She said.

"What if...," I whispered," that's not him! What if whatever is in that house possessed him? So that way it can get at me. I know I've been in that house a few hours, but what I've noticed is that...THING has been trying to get at me and not him. And now maybe it took over his body and it will get ME!," I was scared out of my life.

She thought for a minute before speaking. "Why would it try to get at you? I'm not saying you're like ugly or terrible, but I don't think it would want you..,"

"Diaanee....come back here..." Ashton whined.

I didn't know if I did want to go back to Ashton or to that insane house..

"Go it's ok, I'll be upstairs, you have your phone right?", Sienna asked.

"Right here," I patted my right pocket on my jeans.

She nodded and went upstairs. I watched her leave, not wanting for her to leave me alone. I wasn't suppose to be afraid of Ashton, but somehow I was.

I slowly entered the living room. Ashton wasn't there anymore. The couch was empty. Shit. My heart beat rapidly. I could feel it against my rib cage.

I pretended like I wasn't scared. I walked in carefully and tried to walk normal, but I felt like HE was watching me. Watching me from a corner....

I looked sideways and felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Ashton. "Holy jesus Ashton you scared the heck out of me," I put a hand over my chest.

"Are you afraid of me? I know you are...Diane...," he leaned in on me close until I was against the wall. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't do harm to you...just make you scream..." he showed a smirk.

I didn't want this, not this way anyhow. "Please Ashton..don't," I sweetly tried to say. I could feel my breath shuddering.

"Don't what babe?," he looked down at my feet and skimmed me until he met my eyes.

"Don't do this, you don't seem like you aren't yourself," I tried to escape, but he held me tightly.

"Oh I am myself, just my plain old fucking self," his tone rose.

"Stop it Ashton, stop.." I wanted to reach for my phone, but I couldn't, his grip was too tight.

"No, remember how I said I wanted you? Well now it's time," he let go of one of my arms and held the other with his hand.

"Come on," he pulled me with him.

"Where-where are we going?" I asked looking back to see if maybe Sienna would come to the rescue.

"It's no use Diane, she wouldn't come for you," he pulled me closer to his side.

"Why?!, what have you done to her?," I was ready to hit him or maybe stomp his foot.

"Let's just say she's sleeping."


When we got back to our house, he threw me inside. "Go!," he demanded.

"Exactly where?," I asked.

He pointed upstairs.

I didn't wanna go, but I was scared he would do something to me even more.

I walked upstairs to where he wanted me to go. I went to the master bedroom. He followed behind.

I made my way inside and as he was inside, he locked the door.

"What are you doing? Why are you locking the door?," my voice trembled.

"I just don't want you to escape from my grip," he was acting really scary and strange.

He made his way over to me. There was no room for me to escape or even get away from his grip. He began to kiss my neck. I tried to put my thoughts somewhere else. Not knowing where this would lead to.

He softly moaned as he put his hand inside my blouse and rubbed my stomach. "Diane..let's have one."

I shut my eyes," have a what?"

"A baby," he whispered in my ear. He sent chills down my back.

"No! We aren't having anything  and you aren't YOU," I exclaimed.

He took his hand out and held my arms tightly," we are going to whether you like it or not!"

I pushed him away, but it was no use. He was too rough on me.

"if you are Ashton, you wouldn't hurt me..," I said quietly.

He looked at me, but I don't think he listened because he let go and this time put both his hands inside my blouse. As he kissed my collarbone, he moaned to himself.

"You taste so good," he slurred. "Now let's make this even more pleasurable."

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