More Horror Secrets

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The echoed rang throughout the walls. "Ashton is not Ashton?", I repeated to myself. Ohhhh maybe that now makes sense. How he asked me about having a baby. Or the fact that he wanted me. Which was rare because I know he did want me, just he wouldn't say it directly .

I made tiny steps into the entrance. This looked more like a underground secret tunnel to me. Especially since it was hidden by that picture outside. Which possibly could be the Daughtry family. I have to investigate that...

When I made my way more inside, there was a light, it was a bit dim but still shined.

I put the torch in a different place. There was another spot near the other side of the room. So I put it there. I walked over to where I was headed, the middle of the room. There seemed to be a desk. This was no ordinary desk.

It looked secretive and fancy. As if someone didn't want that desk to be discovered. As I got closer I saw it was a desk like those from big mansions. It was brownish and dusty. Throughout the dirt, there was a small lamp.

A lamp that was use to read such things in the dark. Someone who would read all night long...

I grabbed it gently and blew on it so the dust would come off. There were initials on it. L.D. L.D? Who could that be?

I put the light back in it's place. But before exploring the drawer, I wiped clean the desk. And it had on it carved: LANCELOT.

Lancelot. That was the family that this house was suppose to be first! It said in the article they didn't want it because of how it was structured. Could they have at least lived here a day? I wondered.

I walked around the desk and stood near the old, dusty chair. It was really old and with spider webs. I wiped off the dust and webs.

I spun it around and sat down. As I said, this was no ordinary desk. There was a small drawer underneath the desk. I shook it lightly to see if it would budge. Nope.

I checked and there was a key hole. It needed to be opened with a key. But where could I find the key? I searched around to see if anything shiny was in sight. I couldn't see anything.

Hmm, I thought. I looked all the way underneath the desk to see if perhaps it was attached to the bottom of the desk. Nothing. How was I suppose to unlock it then? With my fingers? Ha no way.

I got up and decided to get out of there. As I was about to go back, a cold chill said," the torch."

The torch? What about it? I felt like I was going crazy, but I talked to myself. Well actually I thought maybe there were spirits around so I talked aloud. "What about the torch? Is that a code?."

I turned back and stood in front of the torch. I waited for "the voice" to speak back to me. " contains what you're looking for."

And what exactly am I looking for? What's that suppose to mean? I didn't understand. Then for some odd reason my eyes looked at the desk and when I saw it, my thoughts went to the desk. And the desk needed a key. THE KEY!

What didn't I figure this out before? "How do I get the key?," I asked.

"I cannot say exactly, but this might heellpp," and what was that suppose to be exactly?

"What do you mean?," my tone changed.

"Whatever you maybe seeking, blow it out...," it faded away. What? It didn't quiet understand what it was trying to tell me.

"Whatever you maybe seeking...blow it out..," I repeated to myself aloud. Blow exactly what? Hmmm. I stood there quiet a few seconds until it came to me.

Of course! The torch! Blow it out! And that's exactly what I did. I grabbed it once again and blew it out. The light was still dim, but now it was even dimmer. After I blew it, there was a clink inside the torch.

I jingled it and the key was there. I titled the torch until the key was in the palm of my hand. Oh my god! The key! And it was inside the torch! But why would it be there and not somewhere else? The torch had to have some type of meaning.

I put the torch back in it's place and quickly walked over to the desk. I sat once again and held the key with a tight grip. I inserted it inside the key hole and turned. Sure enough the drawer opened. Yesss! It's opened now to see what was inside....

I pulled it out and there were really old folders. Tons of them. And tons of pictures as well. I grabbed everything that was in the drawer and put it on top of the desk. I scooted myself more into the desk to get a closer look.

I squinted at the paper, but I could barley see anything. Yes of course the light! Ohh maybe that's what that was for. So I grabbed it and turned it on. Boy was it bright as heck!

I shined it upon the papers and skimmed it up and down. These papers were with stains on them. Stains I couldn't really identify. Then I noticed the folders were labeled. One said: Lancelot. The other said: Daughtry.

It felt like the pieces were coming into place. I opened the first one which was Lancelot. All the dust came flying out there. I started to cough. "Eww too much dust," I mumbled to myself.

As I began skimming the papers in that folder, I saw it had information and details on that particular family. Everything from their names, how old they were, favorite colors and even show size. Why would someone want to know everything about them?

As I shined the light on the papers, there was a groan. I slowly looked up, but no one was there. I looked around. Not a single soul. I went to skimming the papers and articles.

It seemed the Lancelot family had two daughters, Naomi and Shar Lancelot. The mom's name was....was. I couldn't say it because I couldn't believe it.

It said: Sienna. What this some fucking joke?! Sienna? But? Why? How? WAS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? No no no no!

This couldn't be! I was going crazy. Yes all this wanting to discover and such has made me loopy. As I skimmed the papers for a picture, there was Sienna Lancelot. I grabbed the corner of it gently and shined the light upon it. It was her! Just like my friend, Sienna. She looked exactly like her!

She had the same brown hair and eyes, which was pretty scary. I looked at the folder and was wide eyed as if I had seen another ghost.

I couldn't anymore, this was getting way to creepy. So I turned off the small light and put it on top of the desk. I grabbed all 4 folders and took them with me. As I made my way out of the tunnel, there was no way out. So I went back to where the desk was and looked around for maybe another way out.

To my right, I saw a small, round entrance, but it seemed to blend in with the wall. I approached it and slowly examined it.

I did not know how to open it. Maybe if I put my hand it would open again and that's what I did. But this time it didn't quiet open. Hmm, I thought.

Then I saw below my feet this mat. There seemed to be a gray, steel button and I stepped on it slightly with my right foot and it began rumbling.

I stepped back a few steps and the entrance began to open slowly. I held onto the folder tightly and made my way inside. When I got out, I noticed this wasn't an entrance. This was the way out of the house and it led me to the streets.

I looked back and the entrance was already closed. I must be dreaming, I thought to myself.

And with that I ran. I don't know to who or to where, but I knew to run. I ran until I found help. I ran until my feet hurt.

I ran away to someone who would believe me and help me.

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