Your invited (I)

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Jay's P.O.V.

I woke up and felt something heavy on my body. It was Bey she was holding me tight asleep. I chuckled and looked at her asleep she looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up. So I quietly and carefully crawled out of the bed. I looked around on the carpet to see my clothes scattered. I picked them up. Put my boxers on and made my way to the bathroom to refreshen myself. I looked in the medicine cabinet above the sink and there was a spare tooth brush so I borrowed it and used the toothpaste available. I finished my hygiene routine and decided to go back into Bey's room and leave a note for her so that when she wakes up she won't panic. After that using the entrance I used last time I left through her window. I went back home to hopefully take a shower and meet up with Bey later.

Bey's P.O.V.
I woke up a little more happy than usual until I remembered the events which happed last night. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. How could I have been so stupid. I checked the time and it was only 7:30 meaning that I had at least and hour and a half until mama would get home. I stumbled into the bathroom and did my hygiene routine and decided to go to Solange's room to see what she wanted last night. I knocked on the door but there was no reply so I knocked twice more there was still no reply. So I decided to open the door but she wasn't in there. So a panicked and started to look around for some kind of note or conformation of where she had gone. I found a small piece of paper which read:

'Bey just case you are looking for me I decided to go stay at May's house today so don't worry about me I'll be back by Monday .'

I sighed relived that's she was ok but also not sure if she was telling the truth but I decided that I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it because I know Solo can take care of herself. I walked back into my room to see all my clothes scattered. I sighed to myself and started to pick them . That's when I realised that's Jay wasn't here. I noticed a yellow little piece of paper on my bedside cabinet. I opened it read it and just those words he wrote on the paper made me smile hard.
'Hey Bey. Is it ok if I even call you that? Well I think it's cute. I left early this morning. Meet me at the park at after lunch.'
I nodded as if he could see me.

I ran down stairs to go make something to eat before I could plan what I would wear to meet up with Shawn. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I really couldn't wait to see him. Seeing him, made me happier and lighter inside.

Jay's P.O.V.
I have an hour till I have to meet Bey and I really can't wait. I have something really exciting to tell her. My mom on every first Sunday of the month, does a special dinner and I was hoping to ask Bey if she wanted to come.

I only had a few minutes left to make my way to the park I decided to meet Bey at. When I got there surprisingly she was already there. I chuckled at her eagerness to meet me. I strolled over to her and since she had her back to me I wanted to scare her but before I could even shout boo, she said "Hey Jay nice of you to finally turn up.'' And all I could say to that was "huh'' she giggled and turned round and stood up to look at me. I have to say she was looking fine. I smiled at her and she smiled back and some how we ended up starting at each other. I walked closer and she walked one step closer. "Jay" she whispered. I could feel myself moving closer and closer to her lips and she was doing the same but I had to stop myself. I came here for reason.

Bey P.O.V.
I felt a little embarrassed when he pulled away. So instead of looking at him I started to pretend I was fixing my dress and sat back down. Jay cleared his throat and I looked up at him. "May I sit next to you." I nodded my head and scooted over. I started looking down again and played with the hem of my dress.
"Umm so what did u wanna talk about." I said shyly still looking down. "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to dinner with me today at 6 ?" He said nervously. I smiled to myself but it quickly faded when I remembered I couldn't because we were also having a dinner today. I frowned. "Shawn I would love to....." I sighed. I think he heard the hesitation in my voice because he then said "But...?" In a disappointed tone. "My mom has this thing she does. She does a special dinner every Sunday." "So you can't come." He sighed. I nodded my head and looked up at him. I looked back at me with so much disappointment.

Jay's P.O.V.
I was really hoping she would say yes but it doesn't matter. "I need to call my mom." She nodded her head and I walked a little bit away from where we were sat and rang my mom. "Ma she said she can't come." I whined as soon as she picked up the phone. "Shawn stop being a big baby. It doesn't matter we can have dinner together with some of your boys if you like." "Ok" I sighed. I said my goodbyes and hung up. When I was about to just leave since I saw Bey stand up she said in a soft voice "Jay wait." "You can come to me house for dinner and you can bring your mom too I'm sure my mom won't mind." I smiled. "Ok if your sure it's fine." So I rang my mom again and told her and she said it was fine. She asked for the address and sent it.

Soooo Jay is going over to Bey's house?

What do y'all think about Jay and Bey?

Opinion on chapter?

This was another short chapter I know I promise in the future they will be longer.

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