Is this the end? (editing)

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Jay's P.O.V
She's gone. The love of my life gone. Just like that. And it's all my fault. It's been a month since I could talk to her. She is in a coma. They thought it would be safest after they performed surgery on her. Yes we lost our babies. It turns out we would've had twins. Bey still doesn't know this and it's killing me think that if she wakes up (if she ever wakes up) that she will realize her bump is gone and she will hate me forever!

I mean I hate me already for doing this to her so I cannot blame her but myself. I would like to put a rewind button on almost all of my life,from the time I met Crystal and she played me, to the time I met Beyonce and got her pregnant then killed her with my foolishness. Bey's mom won't even look at me and as for my mom, I think I'm currently invisible to the point where I can't even contact her because she has blocked my number. All this has seriously jut helped with what I'm going through. Everyone loves me.

Nicki thinks it's my fault, Solange does, even Kanye and Tyty blames me a little. They said I knew she was 'vulnerable' and I should have been more careful because now, I could have lost the most important thing which was beginning to fill that empty space I had in my heart. No one understands how much I hate myself for doing this to the point...that I thought about it. Yes I did but I thought about if Bey woke up a and I wasn't there she might panic and think I hate her. BUT me staying, can result in me getting ignored just like the rest.

As for Kelly and Michelle they are no where to be seen. I mean don't they care about there best friend who is literally fighting for her life in hospital? Even though they probably don't realize it, it seems that they are showing no pain or remorse to what Bey and her family are going through right now.

It's killing me not being able to hear her sweet little voice,hold her soft small hands in mine and even kiss those beautiful lips;which are clearly made for me.

Tina's P.O.V
I don't want to believe it's real. I had to call Beyoncé's phone a couple of times just to check that I wasn't living that horrible dream I had. I cannot live with myself knowing I am the reason my own daughter is fighting for her life. I could have stopped this sooner but I didn't, I chose to be selfish and look how that turned out. It wasn't that I didn't care but it was like I wanted to see what would happen and if this was just a dream. It seems that all my dreams come true nowadays. It's starting to really scare me.

Jay's P.O.V
It's true what they say, you only know who you truly love when their gone. By not being here has only brought me closer to the fact that I love her with all my heart. Everyday this past month I have been at this hospital on end making sure I'll be the first to see her if she wakes up. I saw her doctor coming in and out of her room and every time she would say "Any day now" You have to understand how frustrated I was at this point.

Nicki P.O.V
I miss Bey, I really do. She was my best friend. We told each other everything. Everyday we would text and send stupid stuff to each other. We even have this group
chat called 'Destiny's child'. I'm not really fond of the name to be honest. Anyway, Bey would always be the first to reply in the morning. Then it would be Solange then me of course then Kelly and Michelle. It was the same routine for any conversation. It had never changed until this accident. There was no movement. No crazy load of notifications. No gifs and singing or song ideas. Nothing at all. It made feel empty that I could not communicate on the level I wanted to. Since this has happened my life has taken an ugly turn Meek cheated on me, I lost both of my parents in a car accident so I'm living with my grandparents who can nearly take care of themselves. My stuff is still at Meeks place since that's where I was literally living. Life seems to be playing some dumbass games that ain't prepared for.

Bey's P.O.V
I am laying on this really stiff bed unable to move . I feel like I've been here for years it's horrible. My body is numb and it's throbbing with pain,at the same time my head is pounding as I try to think about anything. These past days I hear my Jay come in and out of my room he has said the sweetest things to me and sometimes I feel like crying but when I try no tears pour out and neither do my eyes open. It's true what they say even if you are in a coma you can still here your loved  ones.

Voices, has become my new best friend. I've heard a load of them this past month. Some I recognize other seem distant and almost fake. But all these voices sounding  in pain  and broken. All I want to do is hold onto them and tell them everything is fine and I cannot not ever leave them. But the words are all tied up inside my dry throat. My life had become misery before me and there is nothing I can do.

2 days later......

Jay's P.O.V
I'm done with life. I have thought about the consequences but I cannot live my life knowing that u am the reason that the only person I see my future in is literally on her death bed now.  The doctors say she is responding less and less to her medication and her body is slowly shutting down. There is nothing I can do at this point but watch how life will unfold. But I don't want that, I don't want to live a life with this nagging feeling constantly telling me I'm a murderer. I'm going to do it. I'll take my life just for Bey. I want to be with her I dine sant her to be alone. With this in mind I walked back into her hospital room and decided to speak to her one last time. I pulled the chair at the far side of her bed. I pulled it until I was as close as I could
be to her and held her almost lifeless hand and started to speak to her.

This is in the third person......

"You are the best thing which ever happened to me. Yes...... I say it all the time but...I mean it my life wouldn't be what it is if you were never there. You kept me going Bey. I love you with all my heart and being don't forget that...I don't think I can do anymore damage then I have already done to be honest and if possible that I can and want to be out of your way." He said as tears clouded his vision. Jay brought Beyoncé's hand to his lips and he softly pecked them for the last time. Her fingers moved slightly and Jay placed her hand back on the bed. Jay didn't notice though. Jay started at the beautiful woman he wished that one day he could claim his own and calm his wife. He eyes stirred and he started closely as he thought it was just another one of those day he thought she might wake up. Bey felt like she was under water her body felt so alive yet incapable of doing anything. She tended as the sinking feeling left her body and she suddenly felt the warms of hand in hers. They were much bigger then hers but they brought her comfort and peace and because of that she would forever love this person who was the owner of those hands. A burning sensation passed through her body's and she started to feel real again like she was person but still unable to speak. "It's not time for you to leave yet. I'll come for you later" with that her eyes instantly opened and she took in sharp intake of breath and started to shake. Jay say what was happening and rang the button which called for the nurse immediately. He whispered sweet words to her as her rubbed her checks which we flushed bright red. The nurses and doctors flooded the room. Jay was told to leave even though he didn't want to he knew they wouldn't let him stay. When he was leaving the last thing he saw was them placing a oxygen over her and instructing her to breath. "Meet you at the other end Bey." Is the last words Jay uttered before leaving the hospital completely.


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...btw I'm not trying to say any of what Jay said or did is the way handle a situation but if we come into reality, this happens multiple times.

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