Bey's P.O.V

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Saturday 6:39
I woke up with a heavy chest I started to get scared. I thought it was happening again. I tried to get up and that thing slid down my chest. When I looked down I saw Shawn peacefully sleeping on me. It made me want to go awhh.

For a moment I wondered why he was still in my house. Then yesterday night replayed in my head. Jay carried me into my room and I almost let him take me. Then I also remembered the embarrassing moment when I stopped him and told him I couldn't do it. He looked at me confused and stopped and asked me why and in the smallest voice I have ever said anything in I said "I'm a virgin." 

Tears began to roll down my cheeks as Jay got off the bed to switch on the light. He looked straight into my eyes and held me hands and said nothing. My body started to tremble with his touch and he wiped my tears away away making my face tingle a little. Even though I didn't want him to I squeaked:
" Aren't you going to leave?"
"Do you want me to leave?"

With that he stayed the whole night and he was still here. If he stayed any longer, Solange would want to come into my room and ask why I didn't  pour the bucket of water over her head. It's just a little thing we do to wake each other up in the mornings when we feel like it.

Ok back to what happened. I woke him up and told him to exit out of the window slide down the roof then climb down the ladder and that he was gone. I started to tidy my bed.

Solange walked into my room without knocking so when she spoke it made me jump.
"So why didn't you come and wake me up?"
"I-I-I over slept"
Solange looked at me clearly not convinced by what I just said she had raised her right eye brow and had her hand on my hip. "mhm" she said with so much attitude. I rolled my eyes and continued to fix up my bed.Solange was still standing at my door, behind me so,I thought she wanted something and trust me I'm normally right it's called twin instinct.
"Solo what do you -"
"Have you had a boy in here?"
"Have you had a boy.."
"No" I said quickly which I could tell confirmed her suspicion.
I turned around to look at my sister and I felt my cheeks burning as a began to remember what happened in this room yesterday and how far this could have gone.
"Bey! You did it."
"No and stop shouting." I snapped. The fact that I could feel my cheeks getting hotter didn't help the fact that I was starting to convince Solange.
"I didn't. We almost did." I say ima calmer tone.
"Ok so...who's the guy ?"
"He's from school."
"Which category: popular,nerd,geek,sporty,mysterious?"
I couldn't help but look up when Solo said  'mysterious' after all I didn't think he fitted anything else quiet yet.
"Ok was he new or-"
"Solo did u hear what happened to dad?"
"Yes I did" she said nodding slowly.
"Did they tell you he was put into a coma." I said. My voice cracked when I said 'coma' and I was desperately trying to hold back my tears.
"What no my archer only said he was admitted into hospital again." She said cocking her head slightly and walking further up to me. "Did you faint again?"
I sighed "You know I can't help it."
"I know"
"Ok today Solo me and you are going shopping ok" I said trying to change the mood.
"Is it just me and you?"
"Yeh I guess I asked Nicki but she has another fundraiser."
"What about the others."
I shrugged my shoulders "Didn't ask."
"Oh ok."
"What time we leaving Bey?"
"We leaving at 11." Solo nodded her head.

Mama Knowles: "Who's hungry?!"
"We are!" We said in unison.We both got literally ran into the bathroom from across the corridor, brushed our teeth, and made our way down stairs. We both walked into the kitchen which smelt like pancakes. "Mmmm." I said. Mama smiled at me as she put a plate of pancakes in front of me just like she did for Solange. Solange had already eaten half of hers before mama had even sat down.
"Solange so you couldn't wait for us to share grace first?"
"Sorry" Solange said in a muffled voice.
Me and mama both rolled our eyes, shared grace then started eating.
12:48: "Are you ready yet?"
"Oi don't rush me. Last time I checked I was the one driving to the mall anyway." I could sense her rolling her eyes from behind the door. When she sulks she always sits behind the door so when I had finished dressing up I opened the door and said "done" and at the same time Solo fell back into my room hitting her head on the floor. "Owwww" she wined.
"Come on Solo we ain't got all day for you to be sulking."
When we both reached the bottom of the stairs, I went to grab my keys to my gray, Mini Cooper which were on the counter on the kitchen then said bye to mama and got in the car with Solo. Off to the mall we went.

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