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Jay's P.O.V

I lay on top of my bed staring up at the wall. It's been almost a quarter of an hour since it happened. Bey still hasn't come back but I'm pretty sure she has now gone to a friends house or something. To me it is a little unusual because even if she was just going to the corner shop she would make sure I'm notified. My instincts told  me something was wrong but I tried my best to brush it off but the thought of something happening to her honestly scared me. I called her phone five times and she never picked up. That's when I knew something was up. I called her friend she most likely would have told them what happened so they wouldn't pick up.

I put back on my shoes and ran down the stairs and grabbed my coat and walked into the eery night. It was so silent it was strange. I walked down the street and crossed the road to walk back to the park.

As I was walking I saw something on the ground it looked like a person. I ran up to the body and saw that they were very still as I went up to the body so I could identify the face. I could not believe it. No I just wish it was a dream. There is no way it is who I thought it is. Even though the face was badly scratched I could still easily identify her. I checked her pulse and she was breathing but her heart beat was very faint and I could only just about feel it. It was slowly slowing. That's when I called the ambulance. The only thing which is really getting to me is the fact that she is out here alone. There is not a single person in sight. The person who fucking did this to her will pay. Ima have to make a call to some old friends. She might not be my girl but, I have enough respect to know that if I ever hit someone with a car or some sort of vehicle, I would never leave them in the middle of the road to die and no one deserves this.

I sat down next to her body and picked her up and put her on my lap. I felt her move. She started to mumble. "No Bey just rest. The ambulance said they will be here soon."

"Jay." She mumbled. She was forcing herself to sit up but was failing terribly as her body was not even the slightest bit affect by her trying. "Shhh. Just lay down the cops and ambulance will be here very soon." I kissed the top of her head and and a little trickle of water went down from her forehead to her cheek. That's when I realized I was crying. Ughh I was acting like a big softy.

As soon as we made it to the hospital, they took her away from me and by then she was slipping in and out of consciousness. They attached her to this monitor thing. I couldn't help but feel like this was my fault. If only I wasn't such a pussy and I told her.

Bey's P.O.V.
I've been up for at lease two hours Jay has come to see me and he keeps saying it's his fault and that he shouldn't have been so rude as to walk away but, I cannot help but blame myself for not being so defensive as if I know what he has been through. Mama, Solo and my friends have also come to see me.

I waited patiently for the doctor to come back in and tell me I could leave and I just hope me and Jay can still get along after this. I don't want things to be awk-

My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor and nurse coming in. "So you are well and healthy your good to go. And also so is your baby. You have a few stitches and have probably noticed that cast well you have badly sprained your arm. If it gets worse there are some antibiotics you can pick up to numb and help with the pain." [doctor] she said connecting both of her hands together looking at me with a cherry smile.

"Ok but M-m b-baby ?" I questioned. I could already feel the tears starting to form.

"Yes. Were you not aware that you are pregnant?"

No no no this cannot be happening. I cannot be pregnant.
One I was planning on finishing school so I could go to med school.
Two it means I have to take a course now before it's too late so I can have my early graduation.

"Miss Knowles are you alright." That's when I noticed that I had drifted into my own world.

"Umm how far along am I?"

"Your are indeed two months and a couple of days. Due in spring." The nurse replied this time reading off a piece of paper before handing it to me. "Oh and this is the discharge papers."
"Thank you." I said in a really sad croaky voice. I signed them with the pen the nurse also gave to me. I handed back the paper. The doctor left but the nurse gave me a reassuring smile. "Everything will work out. I promise" with that she left the room leaving me to think about all of this.

"Mama." I said as I left the room I was in to see her in the corridor waiting. She looked really angry.

"When you get home back your bags and leave. Do you understand?" She said so harshly it caught me off guard.

Oh dear 😭

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