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Bear this in mind: you can only heal what you destroy. This is the hidden message in this chapter.

Tina's P.O.V
11.39 pm
I was in bed and had not been able to sleep at all. It had been hard these couple of months; coming to turns with the fact that Bey is not a little girl anymore. She will soon be a mom and won't be able to juggle uni too. All I ever wanted was to see my children achieve what I never got to. I am only forty which means I had Bey at twenty two which means I had to cut my dreams short to take care of my baby. Of course I love Bey but I just wish I could have had her at a better time. Seeing Bey do exactly what I did but even earlier just broke my heart. I guess I am just stubborn to the fact that Bey might have just ruined a whole career she could have had. Having twins just makes it harder. Yep twins Bey doesn't know it yet but I know she got two babies in there.

When I was finally able to allow my thoughts to simmer, I heard a voice. A voice I recognized oh so well. This voice used to bring me happiness but every time I think about it now it just brings sadness. The voice began to say my name. The voice sounded the same but it wasn't. It was more eerie and distant than before. I was trying so hard to remember who it was, that when it finally clicked I almost jolted out of bed. "Am I going nuts" I said to myself squeezing my eyes shut.

"No baby. Why would you be? You've always been sane.....well when it comes to me anyway." The voice which sounded like Matthew said. I felt something warm brush over my cheek and I tried to grab it as it was making me feel warm and loved like Matthews touch but my hand was not grasping anything. I rapidly opened my eyes and looked up to the see through figure looking at me. "No- no this cannot be happening I started to back up." I was going to scream but the ghost sensing what I was going to do raised its hand to silence me. I pointed at the ghost.

"I rebuke this in the name of Jesus. Be gone!" and waved my hand drastically. The ghost just stood there looking at me amused.

"I see Tina you still have that fire."

"W-What do you want." I asked cautiously.

"I want you to start talking to Beyoncé again. She needs you T.  A time will come where she will need you. Yes she has Shawn but only a mothers touch will be able to stop this pain. Loosing me for both of you was hard enough and I don't want you to loose each other." He said matter of factly.

"How can I make things right when she won't even talk to me." I said sitting up and paying attention.

"Who's fault is it that she won't talk to you. T you pushed her away she was all that you had and all that she truly had. To make things right you need to arrange time to talk to her in person. If you don't bad things will start to happen. Let me show you."

He clapped his hands and we were suddenly in the sky flying across Huston. I looked down to see all the many streetlights and the quiet streets. I love flying so this was nothing to me.

Suddenly it was broad day light and I was looking out over a now busy Huston. People were on the streets talking some were shopping and arguing. It was typical Huston.

We kept going down and passed people. Straight ahead to be exact. We flew by my house and kept going down my street until we were two blocks away. Then we stopped and the clouds started to gather, a moon appeared and once again it was night.

The strange thing was that there seemed to be this thickness of creepiness in the air and I just could not tell why. We descended from the sky and landed on the cold pavement. I wasn't wearing shoes. The ground was cold and it felt like at any minute something was going to jump out of somewhere and grab me.

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