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Jay's P.O.V
Strangely today I got a call from Bey. She asked me to meet her at moo moos. She sounded kind of desperate. I was slightly concerned with her tone but at the same time really excited to see her after this long time. I got dressed and left the house quicker than I had ever in my life. The thrill I was feeling of seeing my baby girl was literally taking over me. It was about lunch when I set off so I went to Popeyes to get Bey her favorite. After that I made the journey to her uni.

Bey's P.O.V
I watched as Jay pulled up. I was watching from my dorm windows that was overseeing the car park. He was acting something on his way up I put on my glasses and realized it was Popeyes! MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FATS FOOD. 'Awww he remembered. Too bad your at about to reject him'. My subconscious said. The realization of what I was about to do to him hit me so hard. He had gone out of his way to come see me all happy; just for me to reject him. I was such a horrible person. I didn't deserve him; he did so much for me just for it to get thrown back on his face. I hope after this he will move on and find a for that will appreciate him the way I never did. A lone tear escape my eye before I heard the knock at the door. I wiped it away and proceeded to open the door for him to come in.

Jay's P.O.V
I knocked on the door and when it opened I saw Bey looking really broken. "Hey Bey what's wrong." I said embracing her. She held me for a little bit before pushing me as if realizing what she was doing. "Umm come in." She moved to the inside of the door and I immediately stepped in. There was silence for a moment this was new me and Bey never hand anything like this. Awkward silences were just not part of who we were. Let me just tell you they grew to become our best accompanies. Then I felt a burning sensation in my hand. I looked down and remembered I was still carrying the bag of Popeyes. It was literally still so hot it was attempting to burn a hole through my hand. "I brought you Popeyes, your favorite."

"Yeah. Thank you." She took the bag from me.

Bey's P.O.V
I bit my lip out of nervousness still avoiding Jay's eyes at him. "Jay...I-I want to speak to you about something." I gestured to the coach and we both sat down. I sat facing him and him, the same. He looked really concerned now. The way he was looking at me with desperation and concern made it harder for me.

"Giselle what is it?" he said in a very serious tone." I closed my eyes breathed in and let out a heavy breath.

"Jay I can't do this anymore. I want to move on from everything that happened. I can't live with the guilt that I lost a child and still be around you and act like it never happened." I rushed out.

"What are you saying." He spoke so gently. He held my hands in his lap. I removed my hands and for the first time looked him in the eyes.

"I want to focus on me. I can't be in a relationship. I don't want to hurt you but I don't think being with me right now is healthy for either of us. I need space." I said pointing my finger back and forth between us. He shook his head and avoided my eyes.

Still looking into the distance he said, "Is there anything I can do to change this? Bey I love you. I can't loose you." He stared directly at me.

"No Jay. I don't want this anymore. Holding onto me will never do you any good. Move on, find a girl, get married, have a thousand children. Be happy."

"Bey but I want that with you."

"No Jay stop." I said suddenly getting angry. Why couldn't he just understand this? I got up moved away from him. Getting more and more angry. To be honest I didn't even know what.

"Bey I can't do this." He she his head in his hands. He looked up at me and his face covered in tears. My hard exterior softened and I started to feel bad.

"Jay I -"

Jay's P.O.V
"I will be a better boyfriend I'll give you another baby, Bey give me a chance. There has to be something I can do." She shook her head. That's all I needed. I wiped the stupid tears. I got up from the coach and was making my way to the door when she grabbed my arm.

"Jay please I-"

"No please let me give you your space" I pulled away from her with quiet a lot of force and left her dorm. As I was going down the stairs went past a fairly tall guy who was talking on speaker to someone who sounded exactly like Bey.

"What's wrong Bey?" Look at that I was right. Since I had nothing better to do with my life I decided to go further down where he wouldn't see me and listen.

"You what?! I told you not to do that!" He says worriedly.

"Hurry please I need you." I heard her sob. 'Wow so she was replacing me with this nigga.' Maybe I played myself thinking a girl would ever actually love me.
I mean I've been played so many times yet I go back and treat the girl and this is what I get. Fuck relationships I'm done. 'Now where was that blade.....'

Bey's P.O.V

Jay oh my baby my everything. Gone from me just like that. I always knew he was different I just didn't know how.


Hey guys so that was the last chapter of worth it all. I knowww it's sad. There will be a book two don't worry but just so I know you guys want another one please comment and vote 💞

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