(5) Secret admire

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Frisk was too comfortable to come out of the position she was in. Being with Sans, holding his hand, hugging him and with her head snuggled in his chest was the best thing ever. So calming and warm that it made her forget everything that worried her. For them, they were cosy enough to stay like this until the next morning. Either way, they had to start walking home, even if they didn't want to.

They walked at a slow pace, trying to make time stop, just so they could savour the moment. Everything was quiet as everyone was either asleep or at home with their families which meant nobody was going to talk with Frisk except Sans. However, Frisk remembered something halfway through the walk.

"Wait... What about Toriel? I said that I would be back till 5 and it's 5:33." Said Frisk, thinking out loud that Toriel might be looking around for her in the whole underground like last time. But just after what she found out, the thing she was worried was this?

"Nah, just say that you forgot to look at the time." Said Sans trying to make her not worry that much. There are other things to worry about that are much worse than that.

When she got to the front door she looked back and gave Sans a big hug. She got close to his face and kissed him quickly with her arms around Sans' neck. Sans arms surrounded her waist; both of them were being pulled together. "Thanks for making me go and helping me." She whispered slowly, while she smiled. One thing that Sans didn't get was why she was so cheery. Did she just want to forget?

"No problem." He smiled back, letting go of Frisk. "But don't think about it kiddo. You'll get through this. The more you think about it the worst it will be.".

"Yeah, I know..." Frisk said while looking to the door with a sad face. Frisk knew very well that she wouldn't get through it at all, she would die either way. No RESET's, no getting away with it all. She didn't want to tell her parents either and Sans knew well by now that she wouldn't at all tell them anything about it. She would drive herself insane if she was home just with her parents.

"Can you stay at mine tonight? I need to think things over and... You know. I can't really talk to my parents about it." That was a lie. She could talk to her parents; she just didn't want to. And she didn't really have to think things over at all. All she needed was a distraction; something to take her mind off it, at least for a while. She needed Sans to comfort her. "You can just read Papyrus to sleep and then come back... But if you can't, I understand that too." Frisk said in a kinda worried voice. She was scared he would say no.

"I can ask Undyne if Paps can stay one more night there and I can stay at yours if you like." Sans was happy that Frisk wasn't mad at him as he knew about her condition but didn't tell her about it sooner.

And so he called. Apparently, Papyrus was already thinking about staying there one more night; so it was fine. When they finally entered the house, Asgore and Toriel were talking about Frisk and where she could be.

"FRISK!" Toriel shouted while Asgore stood up, surprised by her scream "Where have you been my child? We were worried sick.".

"I'm sorry, I forgot to look at the time." She decided to use Sans' excuse. Toriel looked at her like she had just done a really naughty thing.

"Don't worry, we're not mad... We were just worried. But we knew that Sans was with you." Toriel stared at Sans when she said that and Sans would have jumped out of his skin if he had any. Toriel's stare was the worst in the whole underground, so it was no surprise that he reacted like that.

"Yeah, he was." She said confidently. Putting her arm around him. "Mom? Could I talk to you? Just for a sec?".

"Oh yes, of course, my dear" Toriel and Frisk headed out to her room, and Asgore and Sans were the only ones left in the living room.

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