(21) Texting is like talking

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Once Toriel was out of the room, Frisk got her phone and went into messages and messaged Sans. She can't, not talk to him. She needed him more than ever!

"Sans? Are you there?" Frisk typed.


"What happened when I was asleep?".

Sans stopped typing and continued after a few seconds. "Your mother got angry with me.".

"Why? Didn't you say it was me that wanted it to be a secret?".

"..." Frisk knew that those dots were meant to say 'no'.

"Why not? Of course, she was going to get angry at you!".

"Sorry. I'm just fed up of doing this. We can't just keep lying like this.".

"I know, but it was my fault and you blamed it on yourself!".

"Because I could have said it, but I didn't. And I feel bad about that, you know." Sans was making himself feel guilty because he could have told them about it but he stayed with Frisk's advice.

"You shouldn't. You did it because you love me, and I love you. So I brought you into this. I should have never brought you into this. So if anything, it's my fault!".

"Hey! Don't say that. I love you. I'm happy you kissed me that day. And I don't mind if your mother gets angry at me. As long as you are OK, then I'm OK." He remembered what Papyrus said.

"Then don't say that you 'could have done it' because that makes me feel you don't believe that I'm capable of handling things on my own!".

They stopped writing for a while, they were angry at each other. But, a non-arguing relationship is always bad and never healthy.

"I'm sorry." Sans wrote first.

"I'm sorry too. But Sans?".

"Yeah kiddo?".

"I love you more than you know.".

"I love you too.".

Then something popped up in Frisk's head. "I have something to tell you.".

"What is it?".

"I have been having this tingly feeling.".

"What do you mean?".

"Like, my fingers and legs are always feeling like that. After the thing from today at least.".

"You can still move them right?" Sans was worried but needed to be sure that she was still alright until she had another check-up. She should have told Alphys.

"Yeah. But it just feels tingly. Anyway, Toriel won't allow me to leave the house for some reason.".

"Wow. What about your dad? Has he been saying anything to others about you?".

"No. At least I don't think so. Why?".

"Because some people are starting rumours about you. And somehow they know what Blacksoul is!".

"I'll ask him but I don't think so. He has been around the ruins after... you know.".

"Well. I'm just saying.".

"Does your brother know?".

"Yeah, but that's because I told him." He had to tell him.

"I thought you didn't want to tell him.".

"I didn't tell him the whole story.".


"I know, I know.".

"I need to go, talk to you at night tomorrow?".

"Yeah. Tell me if you get worse.".



Frisk turned off her phone and started to cough without noticing. She had gotten used to it by now. Sans turned off his phone and went to sleep as well. They were both tired and so they really needed a night of good night's sleep.

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