(28) Goodbye

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(Kinda Mature Scene Up Ahead?!)

After a while of re-crying everything about Frisk's non-existent future, they both got up and Sans took Frisk home. It was a silent walk home, but people looked at them from the corner of their eyes, judging them as they passed. At times, Frisk would hear them whispering: "Sans looked like he had been crying." and "I think something is going on in the Royal Family." and at times "Ugh, look at them showing off.". That was what Frisk didn't want. All the negative attention, it's just not worth it. 

When Sans heard the last comment, he got pissed at everyone but just decided to teleport them away. Frisk thought he teleported them to her house, however, he had teleported them to his house. To his bedroom. 

Instantly, Frisk knew what he wanted. Once she knew it, she realised she also wanted it, desperately. 

Frisk, like a magnet, kissed Sans deeply, needing him more than she has ever needed someone before. He hugged her tightly as if it was the last time he would ever feel her; as if she wouldn't be the same. 

They start moving closer to his un-made bed as tears constantly fall down their faces, everything felt right, but the feeling of losing each other was too much to handle. They need this. Frisk knows she needs to leave but allows this to happen anyway. She wouldn't fall asleep here, but she would wait until Sans did. But right now, none of that mattered. He mattered.

She lays down underneath Sans as he starts taking her clothes off and she does the same to him. They looked into each other's eyes and she could only explain it as happy sadness. There was no other way to explain this feeling. Their lips attached back up again and they start feeling connected. Their souls begin to shine as pure joy and love overwhelmed them both. Gasping for air, their breaths mingled.

Fortunate isn't a strong enough word to explain how lucky she is to fall in love with Sans. He's been the only person that actually made her feel safe and relaxed. She would never choose differently. But when the time comes for her to leave, no matter how much she loves him, she has to leave. She wouldn't change that either.

"I love you," Sans says as he kisses her passionately.

"I love you too," Frisk says, looking at him deeply as they get to the end of their final time together.


Sans had taken a while to go to sleep. Frisk had to fake being asleep but even then he still stayed up, caressing her shoulder and thinking about things in silence that Frisk couldn't decipher. However, even after all of his efforts to staying awake, Sans let sleep take over him. 

"He's asleep," Chara said as Frisk opened her eyes and yawned quietly. "Why did you do it with him? I mean, you just risked getting your veins seen!" That only just clicked in Frisk. Why didn't she remember! This is what she gets for letting her feelings take over. The look of panic and horror appeared in her face as she tries to carefully leave Sans' warm, tender embrace. When she finally left, she looked down at her body. Her veins... It wasn't just a shade of black... It was black. 

"Oh no, this ain't good." She points out in her head. "We gotta get a move on, or else I won't be able to make it in time.". Frisk looks at Sans, asking herself if it was worth it. If her relationship with him was worth all of this. If it's only going to bring more sadness to the world.

"Is that darker or is it just the trick of the light?" Chara says as she attempts at poking her veins, but goes right through. Frisk looks at her like she's an idiot. "Aren't I allowed to ask?" Frisk shakes her head as she tries to find all her clothes. 

"You know, hearing you do it with Sans is really disturbing and weird. It's like forcibly making someone watch porn." Chara says as she sits on the bed, waiting for Frisk to get all her clothes off the ground. The idea of having Chara watching them do it, kinda freaked Frisk out a bit. "Thank god the lights were off though." She continued. "Or else, disgusting images would be engraved on my eyes. My poor innocent eyes!".

On one hand, Frisk wanted to reply that they weren't innocent since she has watched gore and death happen by first hand; but Frisk didn't, or else she would wake up Sans and she didn't want that. She will stick to the plan! 

But on the other hand, she was lucky neither of them turned on the lights to his bedroom or else Sans would have probably seen her veins... And Chara would have seen them at it. Maybe he did and that's why he stayed up so late... Her gloves were off and so were her socks. But had he seen them? 

When Frisk was all dressed and ready to go, she took a final look at Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Her best friend and boyfriend who she could never replace. "If you are worried about him, remember he's a heavy sleeper," Chara says as Frisk edges closer to him to kiss him on the forehead.

That would be the last time she would ever see or touch him. "Goodbye, Sans." She says as she leaves his bedroom, opening and closing the door gently. Once she's in the living room, she takes a deep sigh as she gets the letter for him and leaves it propped-up with his 'pet rock'.

"You ready?" Chara asks, edging closer and closer to the front door. Frisk nods and starts walking towards the door too. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Here we goooooo!" It's funny how Chara is having fun with Frisk's death but, somehow, Frisk isn't annoyed at it and definitely isn't going to stop her from doing it anytime soon. 

They leave the skeletons to their sleep as she closes the front door. "Here we go," Frisk says to Chara as she hypes herself up for something she shouldn't really.

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