The Day You Found Me

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It was the middle of December as the snow rains down heavily against the pavements of Michigan. 

Bryan's family resides on the outskirts of Detroit so the neighborhood was pretty mellow and calm. Not a lot of people were around and a forest was near their home. One night on the 14th of December, a new born pup lies in the heavy snowstorm crying out for her mother. 

She wasn't too far from the Dechart house so her cries were audible to them. Bryan's father came outside to see what was all the fuss was about. 

Outside there was the little pup, she was injured severely from who knows what from. Bryan's father whose name is John quickly rushed to the injured pup and carried her inside. 

Marlee was Bryan's mother (I'm not sure if that's her name, I saw one of the stream and Bryan said somewhere along the line of his mother's name is Marlee. Please correct me if I'm wrong) and she rushed towards John to see what he brought in the house. "It's a baby wolf, I didn't think there were any living around here", he said. Marlee nodded in agreement and went upstairs to the bathroom to get a spare warm towel for the shivering pup.

Bryan a baby that's only 2 years apart from the little pup. John saw this as an opportunity for Bryan and the family so when Marlee came back downstairs, he eagerly tells her the idea. She thought for a moment and smiled then nodded in agreement. 

They named her (y/n) and every since they took her in, Bryan's life slowly becomes more and more crazy and strange. 


"(y/n)!", I heard Bryan calling me. I quickly got off the couch and quickly made my way to him. He was calling me from the bathroom and the door was closed.

I lightly scratched the door to alert him that I arrived. "Can you fetch me a towel?", he calls out. I barked in response and made my way towards his room.

On his bed, there was his towel he forgot to take with him when he went to shower. I grabbed the towel, holding it between my teeth and walked back to the bathroom door.

He opens the door, half of his lower body covered by the door as he peeks through the open crack. "Thanks, girl. You were always very smart", he compliments me and pats me on the head.

'If only you knew' I said in my mind. He took the towel from me and closed the door again. I walked back to the living room and rested on the couch.

I have lived with him my entire life, not fully understanding who I really was until I turned 8 and shifted into a human for the first time.

Bryan's parents found out, but Bryan never found out himself. I begged his parents not to say anything in fear of Bryan rejecting me.

I lived with that fear ever since that day and that fear continues to build more and more every day.

As I grew older, I found my pack and it turns out that my mother was killed by a creature called the 'Nightmares'.

They all have ranks and comes in many different shapes and sizes. Around our teenage years, Bryan attracted a lot of Nightmares.

I became severally concerned about that so I went to my father who was the pack's leader. He told me that there are some unfortunate humans who have stronger auras that attract a lot of Nightmares and all types of them as well.

So I've been working in the shadows, protecting him from those filth. I sighed until I heard a small hiss behind me.

I turned around to see a small Nightmare. 'Kurla', they are often small but they can be a pest to get rid of. They feed on energies from living creatures like humans and they multiply, making it harder to kill.

I growled lightly, trying not to alert Bryan. I launched myself towards the little creature and grabbed it by its neck. I started to scream and trying to scratch my face. I snapped its neck and it stopped moving.

The body dissolved into dust and eventually, nothing was left behind. Soon after, Bryan comes out dressed nicely and his hair brushed to the side neatly. "I'm going to go ahead and go to work. Be a good girl while I'm gone!", he said and grabs his keys.

I ran towards him and barked. "Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I'll see you tonight", he smiled at me and patted my head again.

Bryan is 26 while I'm 24. We're about 2 years apart and his career has been getting brighter every minute of his life. I was happy to find out that he got accepted to a role he wanted to play in a movie, but I was sad that he's been leaving the house more and more often.

I sat on the floor in front of the entrance, watching Bryan leave.

To he continued~

A/N: First off, thanks for reading! Sorry, there isn't much humor yet but I promise yall it's going to get funny and weird lol.

I also have a Connor x Reader, so go ahead and check that out if you like!

See yall in the next chapter!

Times of Change (Bryan Dechart x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now