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There was a chill down my spine when I heard what Keith had to say. Bryan looks at me with worry and confusion because I didn't respond to him. 

Shaking my head, I quickly gathered my bearings and focused on Keith. "It's Pandora", I simply said he looked at me funny. 

"You mean that old story of that creature made to be half werewolf and half Nightmare?", he asked. Bryan remained quiet, watching and listening to the situation. "Yes, that's him", I said while nodding my head. 

Keith just shook his head in disbelief. "That's impossible. I thought he was banished into the depths of darkness, where he will never see daylight again. How is he free? That binding spell was cast by the Moon Goddess herself!", he explained and I nodded again, agreeing with what he said. 

"You aren't wrong my friend, but somehow he broke free. Now he's out for revenge and proceeding to gather his army of Nightmares. If we don't stop him soon, he will overpower werewolves from all over the world", I warned him and his face slightly fell from despair. 

"Wait, you're telling me this weird dude is building up an army once he broke free from his prison and he's half werewolf and half Nightmare?", Bryan pops out of nowhere with a question. 

"Correct. He was often nicknamed the 'Broken Gift'. That's how I knew it was Pandora", I said. "C'mon, let me show you something", I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away from the pack. "Go talk to my father about this as well Keith!", I yelled out and he nodded and quickly made his way to where my father is. 

After dragging Bryan for 5 minutes, we finally arrived at a large lake surrounded by trees, helping it keep hidden from unwanted attention. 

The amazing thing about this lake is that, not only is it being covered by the large trees surrounding it, but the lake produces some sort of magical chemical that acts like an invisible barrier. This is how humans were never able to find it nor stumble upon it by themselves, that's why you need a werewolf or a weretiger to guide you into the barrier. 

Of course, this is not the only lake around here or in this entire world, in fact, there are more than 20 spots where humans were never able to find on their own and it doesn't have to be just a lake. It can go to a lake to a forest, even an entire land.

"Where are we?", Bryan looks around with awe. It was quite beautiful and the vines and trees produce are small crystal-like shards which look astounding. The leaves were beautiful arrays of soft green hues, lively and vibrant. 

The water is crystal clear and shimmers, it also slightly glows because of the natural magic that is being produced on its own. 

"This lake is called the Aine Lake. 'Aine' means 'Radiance' in Irish! It's also the source of the cleanest water out there for animals to drink after pollution became a serious problem", I explained and he nods as he continues to look around.  

I kneeled near the edge of the water and soon Bryan did the same. "Why did you take me here?", he asked. 

"I took you here because I wanted to share the tale of Pandora", I said and touched the water. A ripple formed and soon water droplets started to float and formed a ball of water. This is part of my nature ability. 

"Woah", Bryan stared with wide-eyed and I chuckled in amusement. He looks like a little kid being in a candy store. 

The water ball grew larger and then was split evenly in half. The right half shifted into a pack of wolves in action, fighting. The left half shifted into all sorts of Nightmares, some which we had encountered before. They weren't life-sized but big enough to see the little details here and there.  

Times of Change (Bryan Dechart x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now