Danger Up Ahead

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A/N: *takes a deep breath* IM BACK AND ALIVEEEE 


I decided to take a 2 week off vacation since it has been tiring these days. Plus, (y/n) is back here with me so I wanted some time with her before both of us gets busy with our own duties in our life. 

I woke up the next morning because I could smell bacon all the way from my bedroom. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to see (y/n) cooking some bacon as well as some eggs. The buttered toasts were already on the plates. 

"Morning", I greeted her, a yawn escaping from my mouth. "Good morning", she greets back and placed the cooked bacon and eggs on the plate. 

"I made some breakfast, I hope you don't mind", she said a little shyly as she placed the plates on the kitchen table. "Of course not!", I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous statement and sat down. 

I immediately dug in and let me tell you that this is the most amazing thing I have ever eaten. How is this possible?

"How is it?", she asked. "Amazing!", I gave her a big smile and continued to eat. I heard her lightly chuckle until she started to eat as well. 


We both finished our meal and (y/n) insisted that she would do the dishes, but I argued and said no.

She gave up eventually so I was left with the small number of dishes in the sink.  

Soon enough, I finished cleaning and went to the living room to find (y/n) playing with her tail. Right, I forgot about that. 

"Is something wrong?", I asked her and I suddenly saw a piece of paper next to her. "What is that?", I pointed at the paper next to her. 

It wasn't the contract paper she tried to give me three days ago. Of course, I did end up signing it, but this paper was completely black with white ink writing. 

She didn't answer right away which made me suspicious. "It's nothing", she responded after some time. "Right, I don't believe you at all", I narrowed my eyes at her as she fidgets around with her tail.

(y/n) sighs and turns around to look at me. "It's my ceremony. I'm next in line to become the alpha of my pack, but I need my mate by my side", she tells me. I felt my eyes widen from surprise. Now that I think about it, I'm her mate...which means we have to attend as a couple. 

"When is it?", I asked, slightly afraid to know the answer. "It's a month away thankfully, but there is a lot of preparation during the entire month and I have meetings to attend soon", she said sadly. 

"When it comes around, don't we have to be there as couples?", I asked with a small blush on my face. I may know (y/n), but I don't know her as a real person yet. 

She nods and gave me a sad smile. "I understand if you don't want to attend. I'll just have to figure out a way to delay this thing or move ahead without you there." I felt a small ache in my heart and shook my head at her. "No, I'll go. I don't want you to be stressed out because of me, so I'll go."

(y/n) stares at me for a bit until she broke out a small smile. "Thank you", she said. Right after she said that there was a panicked knock on our backyard door. I lifted an eyebrow and another knock came by. 

I quickly rushed over and so did (y/n). As I opened the door, I saw a wolf with dark hazel eyes and light brown fur color. I've seen this wolf before, the time where they were fighting that one nightmare from 4 months ago. 

"(y/n)! You need to come and see this!", said the wolf with a female voice. "What happened, Stella?", (y/n) urgently shifted into a wolf and stepped outside. I followed and waited for the female wolf who goes by Stella. "I don't know if I can even explain without showing you first, c'mon on!", she rushed her and I quickly followed.

After jogging for some time, we came to a halt and there was a bunch of other wolves covering something that was on the ground. "Move out of the way!", Stella yells and they did as they were told. 

Both (y/n) and I stepped up to see what happened and I felt my stomach drop. 


It was written in complete black blood on the ground and the grass was all dead. "The Nightmares...they started to gather", (y/n) said in a horrified tone. I couldn't speak because I was too afraid to. 

"What are we going to do?", a male wolf comes up with a female tiger by his side. As much as I want to react to this unusual event as to why a tiger is here, I was too stunned to say or think about anything. 

"I don't know...I need to speak with my father about this", (y/n) said and sighed sadly. I'm suddenly glad that I decided to take a 2-week vacation or else I would have been royally screwed. 

"Bryan, I think it's time you say hi to my old man", (y/n) said and gave me a small smile. I nodded slowly and swallowed my saliva from nervousness. I knew I would meet him one day, but I didn't think I would meet him now. 

(y/n) and I both made our way towards her father who was still back at their spot while Stella and other wolves are cleaning the place up. 

I hope I make a good impression or else I would end up in the wolf's stomach...

To be continued~

A/N: I'm sorry this is a little short! I'm super tired since I just came back like 4 hours ago and I had to go out again to eat then sort out a problem that was going on with a friend which took forever to fix. 

So yeah, this gal needs some sleep so goodnight and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Things are getting a little spicy now huh? >:) I love being evil.

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