Special Mate?

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Once Bryan was far enough, I left through the back door.

It led me to the backyard where the forest was. I ran towards my pack because there was going be a meeting tonight and I had to be there. They don't live far from Bryan's house, but far enough from humans.

After about 10 minutes of running, I arrived at the pack site.

After about 10 minutes of running, I arrived at the pack site

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It's a good spot for us werewolves to stay here since its an isolated area. My pack is quite large, I'd say about more than 20 wolves are here. 

I walked towards my father who had pure black fur with emerald eyes. He stands out a lot from most wolves and so do I. 


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I got my white fur from my mother and the black fur from my father (Ignore the blue eyes rip). "Hey Dad", I called out to him. He turns to the side to face me. "Hello (y/n)", he greets back and slightly smiles towards me. 

He rarely smiles or laughs and he mostly keeps things to himself. "I see you have come to our pack meeting", he said. I nodded and smiled. "Yup! What's the meeting about?", I asked and tilt my head to the side a bit. 

"You will soon see", he said. He howls to the night sky, calling the wolves to come together. A large number of wolves gathered together, waiting for my father to speak. 

"I have gathered you all to inform you that my daughter will soon be coming of age to take over this pack", he starts to say. My eyes widen, but I didn't say anything. "However, she has yet to find a mate", he turns his attention towards me. The others looked at me as well and I felt nervous jitters crawling my spine. 

"Haha..um, yeah about that", I said nervously, trying to avoid this topic. "Well? Do you refuse to find them or is there any other reasons?", he asked while raising an eyebrow at me. "Why are you asking me this? I thought this was a meeting, not questioning time", I said and huffed a little. 

"This is a meeting", he simply said, waiting for me to answer. I sighed and looked at him, my ears dropping downwards. "Okay look, as much as there are plenty of wolves here, none of them are my mate", I informed him and the rest of the pack. 

You normally find your mate within your own pack, so this was unusual. I wish I studied a little bit more about mates and how shit works, dammit.

My dad's eyes slightly widened as he looked at me. "I see", was all he said. No one really said anything until I heard a loud squeal in the crowd. My father and I both looked at the crowd, trying to find who made that noise. 

Soon enough, I saw them or shall I say, her. She had light brown fur with white specks here and there. She also had dark hazel eyes. 

She ran towards me, excitement evident on her face. "Wait! Slow do-", I tried to warn her to slow down or else she would crash at me, but I clearly failed to do that. 

We stumbled to the ground and I groaned in pain. "OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!", she hollers out at me, her smile so wide I wondered how her mouth hasn't ripped yet. "Can't believe what? And can you please get off me?", I asked. I was completely glued to the floor because of her.

"Oh! Sorry!", she quickly apologized to me and got off. Finally. 

"So, do you mind explaining what's so exciting?", I asked as I got off the floor. "Of course! Um", she turns to my father. "May I take her to a more private area?", she asked politely. He nods and she quickly drags me away from the crowd. Welp, that meeting went well.

'Why must this happen to me? Just why?'  I mentally groaned as she dragged me away. Once we were far enough, she looks at me with joy and excitement. "My name is Stella", she greets. "Names (y/n)", I greeted back and gave her a small smile. 

"I know. Anyways, you said you can't find a mate in our pack right?", she asked. I nodded, waiting to see what she has to say. "Then you must have a special mate!", she slightly squealed. "Special mate?", I said in confusion. 

She nods again and continues to smile. "I'm the head wolf that makes potions, healing stuff, and a bunch of medical things!", she said. "I also research a lot about 'special mates' since they are so incredibly rare, so I guess you can say that I'm the mage in the pack."

"I see, so what is 'special mates' exactly?", I asked. "It's when a wolf's partner is a different creature or even from a completely different pack", she informs me. "Since we are designed to have mates within our pack and be partners with our species, it's rare when those rules don't apply to certain wolves." I nodded, slowly understanding what she was telling me.

"Does other creatures also apply as humans?", I asked curiously. "Of course! Come, I have something to show!", she said and dragged me again. 'Is she always going drag me to places?'

Soon enough, we were near a river and no one was around. "So what exactly do you want to show me?", I asked. "Guys! You can come out now", she calls out. I looked at her as if she's gone crazy, but it turns out, I'm still the crazy one here.

A female weretiger comes out with a grey male wolf from the bushes. "These guys are a pair of special mates my dear friend!", she said. I looked at them in awe. "Woah", I said stupidly. "Haha, hello there. The names Violet and this is Owen", the female weretiger who goes by Violet greets me.

I shook my head to get out of my daze and greeted back. "It's nice to meet you", Owen said and smiled a little. "Why were you hiding?", I asked. "Because they aren't from here", Stella spoke up. 

"Oh, really?", I asked in surprise. "Yes, we come from the far east of the forest", Violet said. My eyes widen in shock. "You came all the way here from there?", I gasped. They nodded and slightly chuckled at my response. 

"Since you are also in a similar case, we shall help you find your missing half!", Stella said. "But why would you help me?", I asked.

"Because special mates can't find their mates very easily like normal wolves", Owen said.

To be continued~

A/N: Just so you know, none of the arts or pictures I display in my stories aren't mine!

Times of Change (Bryan Dechart x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now