Golden Heart

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I knew one day he was going to meet my father, but never in these kinds of circumstances. 

We walked for some time until we finally arrived. My father was standing, staring off into the distance. As we approached, he didn't move a muscle which made me stare at him longer. 

"Dad, Bryan is here with us", I spoke. "I'm well aware, (y/n)", he responded and finally turned his gaze to us. Bryan looked a little nervous, but none the less he kept his posture steady. 

"Hello Bryan, my name is Adelram (l/n). I have heard you and your family have taken care of my daughter", he introduced himself to Bryan. "Yes, we have. It's nice to meet you Mr. (y/n)", Bryan replied and gave my dad a small smile. 

My dad nods in approval and looks back at me. "He is a fine mate for you", he gave me a cheesy smile and I felt my face burn like lava. "DAD!", I yelled at him to stay quiet, but it's not like that would do anything. Bryan already heard. I mean, look at his face! It's red as a tomato!

"You really need to stop embarrassing me...", I grumbled and I heard my dad chuckle which was rare. "I am your father, that's my job", he gives me another smile and I just rolled my eyes at him. 

"Back to the point. The Nightmares are gathering, what are we going to do?", I changed the topic to the main reason why Bryan and I are here in the first place. 

My father just shook his head and let out a small sigh. "It seems your future lover is not only a 'Mylor Born' but also a 'Jericho Destined'", my dad said. 

Bryan looked at him with confusion. "Wait, 'Jericho Destined'? What is that? I mean, I've heard of 'Mylor Borns' but not that", Bryan said. "Allow me to explain", my dad sat down on the soft grass. 

"'Jericho' means 'City of Moon' in Arabic. They are considered humans who are destined to know our kind and history. They aren't as complex as 'Mylor Borns' but they do have their own purpose like them. When a 'Mylor Born' and a 'Jericho Destined' are both in a human, it can only mean one thing", he said. 

Bryan and I felt our blood coil from the anticipation of his next words. "He has the 'Golden Heart'", he finished. 

I stared at my father in complete awe and shock. "What do you mean? I thought that was only a myth! Just some silly story!", I kept staring at him, waiting for him to answer me. Bryan remained silent and still. 

"Your story was also just a myth and a legend. Only a story I would hear when I was a child. Yet here you are, standing right in front of me as my own kin. The 'Golden Heart' isn't just a story my child, it is as true as you", he said and gave me a sad smile. 

"What exactly is the 'Golden Heart' you speak of?", Bryan spoke up after being silent for a while.

My father just looked at me and I sighed, knowing that I should explain this time. "The 'Golden Heart' is considered to be the key to the gateway to Hell and Heaven. Earth is considered to be in between of such of those two places", I began explaining and Bryan nods as I kept going. 

"Nightmares are like fallen creatures, rejected both by Heaven and Hell. So they live here on Earth. It is our job to take care of them as you can see, but they say that the Nightmares yearn for the 'Golden Heart' to take revenge on the two sacred realms."

"If what my dad said is true, then the Nightmares are declaring war and if they get you, humanity, as well as werewolves and weretigers, will cease to exist", I said in dread. 

Bryan's face fell once he fully realized that he's far more important then we both thought. "I didn't ask for this...", he quietly said. 

Shaking my head, I turned into my human form and brought him into my embrace. "And I never asked to be who I am today. But right now, we don't have much choice. We need you guarded at all times when you go back to work", I explained and I felt him nod against my shoulders.

I wish I could take away his burden right now, but I know this is just how things were meant to be and there's nothing we can do about it but to just suffer and live with it. 

My heart beats with empathy as I felt his heavy heart rest against mine. To think the world could get any crueler, it just became the world's biggest dick-bag out there.

"As much as I hate to ruin this moment, but I think it's time for you to head back to your safe haven", I heard my father from behind and I slowly detached myself from Bryan. 

"Thank you for helping us", I gave him a sad smile and he returned one back to me. "Anytime", he responded. 

Bryan and I both made our way back home once we said our 'goodbyes'. I still couldn't believe the story isn't just some silly myth but an actual prophecy that neither of us wants to face. 

'Why can't we go back to how we were before all of this happened?'  

To be contined~

A/N: BOO! I'm back! 

Once again, I'm sorry for another short chapter >~< I have been dealing with a lot so I don't feel as if I could write a long chapter like I normally would, but other than that, I do have good news to share with you!

My story has returned because Wattpad has fixed the bug for me! Let's just hope it doesn't happen again ^-^;;

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