I Was Cold, Now I'm Warm

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Everything went white. 

I closed my eyes, trying to protect my eyes from the blinding light and the moment it came, it went away just like that. 

Everyone must have done the same because the rest of us slowly opened our eyes to see what happened. Pandora as well as (y/n) is gone. I couldn't see them anywhere. 

"What...", I couldn't form a sentence. I felt coldness wash over me, like the fire in my chest got burned out. 

The Nightmares scattered away once they realized that their leader was no more. 'But what about (y/n)?'


I gasped the moment I felt like I could breathe again. Opening my eyes, I was in the same dark room where I met my deceased mother. I slowly got up and I started to get worried. 'Why am I here again?'

"(y/n), It's good to see you again", I heard a familiar voice coming from behind. When I turned around, I was greeted with a white wolf with bright green eyes. "Mom", I half whispered when I saw her. 

"Why am I here again?", I asked her. She looked away sadly and I felt fear wash over me. "Mom", I called out to her, expecting for her to answer me but she didn't. 'No...Am I-?'

"I'm sorry my child. I have made you suffer for so long...", an angelic yet stern voice rang out from my left side. I quickly turned around and saw a beautiful woman with white, silvered colored hair that was slightly glowing. Her eyes were glowing a soft colored blue and she wore a plain yet elegant white dress that matched her pale skin. 

"Who are you", I eyed at the strange woman carefully, ready to strike if she's bad news. However, my mother didn't react towards her at all. Instead, she let the woman come closer to her until she was standing right next to my mom. 

"It's nice to finally meet you. I'm your Moon Goddess. The one who brought werewolves to life", she gave me a kind smile and my jaws dropped the moment she told me who she was. "Say what now?!", I shrieked from surprise and shock. There is no way she's the Moon Goddess. 

She chuckles lightly and continues to smile at me. "Yes, it is I, the Moon Goddess", she says again and I swear to god I think I'm going to pass out from too much shock. "Why are you here?", I asked her, trying to keep myself calm and sane. 

"I hate to say this but you're dead sweetie", my mom said somberly, her ears flatten completely as she looks away from me. "...What?", I couldn't believe my ears. Tell me I did not just hear what I heard. 

The goddess sighed and nods. "Your mother is telling the truth. You are no longer alive", she said sadly and guilt was shining in her eyes. "No...", I wanted to scream, to yell and cry yet all I could do was fall on my knees and stare blankly at the floor. 

No one said a word and I was still in denial. 'There has to be a way for me to go back.' I looked at the goddess and pleaded. "How do I get back? Please, I can't leave my father or Bryan alone. My pack needs me", I begged her to take me back to the land of the living but she didn't reply at all. "I'm so sorry honey", my mother had tears in her eyes as she approached me. 

Something inside of me snapped and I felt anger in my heart. Old resentment towards my mother who left me at birth. "Don't you dare say sorry to me! I think it's late for sorries after you left me since birth!", I hollered at her and she looked mortified. 

"You have every right to be mad at me but I just wanted you to be safe", my mom said sadly and I couldn't help but break down. I sobbed and sobbed, wanting to go back to Bryan and my pack. The goddess remained quiet throughout the whole ordeal. 

"Allow me to make you a deal", the goddess finally spoke up. I stopped my sobbing the moment I heard the word 'deal'. "What deal?", I questioned her as I slowly got up, wiping my face. 

"I want you to give Pandora a second chance", she said. "What?!", my mom looked at her with complete horror. I crossed my arms at her and glared at her way. "Pandora made me sacrifice myself and almost brought chaos to my home. To the entire world and even if I did make the deal, how in the world do I even give him a second chance?", I said coldly which made the goddess sigh heavily. 

"I've made a grave mistake when I turned my back on him. Ultimately, it is my fault things have ended this way. Which is why I want to fix it and bring my creation to happiness that he always deserved from the very beginning", she said sadly and I glared at her even more. "You know it's your own god damn fault so why don't you fix it yourself?", I talked back to her which probably isn't a good idea but this woman brought so much pain into my life by picking me to be the destined child to die. 

"(y/n) please, just listen to her", my mother begged and I snapped at her. "Oh shut it. I'm really pissed off that I practically died and now I left my only family behind!", I yelled at her and she made a small whimper noise and backed down. A pang of guilt hits my chest but I brushed it off and continued to glare at the goddess. 

"I know I have to fix this myself, but I cannot bring him back alone. I only ask you this once to help me. I'm sorry to have made you suffer and endure this pain all your life, but I'm begging you, help me undo my wrongs", she pleaded and I have never thought a goddess of all people would beg to someone like me. 

I sighed and let my anger go. Being angry at them isn't going to make my situation better or improve. 

I looked at the goddess with a blank face and just nodded. "What do I have to do?"


It's been months since (y/n) disappeared. Everyone believes she died but I don't believe them at all. For some reason I feel as if there's a small chance for her to come back home.

I probably shouldn't feel this way because I know it's most likely false hope, but for once in my life I just want to feel okay and think that she will come back to me.

After dwelling in my mind for who knows how long, I heard a knock on the door. I groaned in annoyance but I still got up and went to open the door anyways.

"Who is it?", I called out as I opened the door. I was greeted with bright (e/c) eyes standing in front of my door. "Uh, hey", she waves at me slightly, almost as if she was nervous. My jaws dropped at the sight of her.

"(Y/N)?!", I hollered out her name as I stared at her in complete shock. I cannot believe she's actually standing in front of me right now. Please don't tell me I'm dreaming. "Yup, it's good old me", she smiles at me and I felt warm tears dripping down my face.

Her expression immediately turned into worry as she cups my face. "I thought I lost you...", I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around her small figure. "I thought I was a goner too, but I came back because I made a deal", she said as she pulled back to see my face.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "What kind of deal are we talking about?", I questioned her and that's where things kind of went south.

"I may or may not have agreed to give Pandora a second chance."

To be continued~

A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while and I'm so terribly sorry about that. I just have a lot on my plate right now and after this update, I'm not sure when the next chapter will be published :/ But thank you for those who have been very patient :')

However great news! The new book had been finally released! It's called "I Can Hear Your Voice" and updates on that will be pretty slow because I'm making it slightly different than all the books I have made here in Wattpad so far. Plus they're longer :D

Go ahead and check them out of your interested and I'll see yall in the next chapter or in my new book! :)

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