The Sad Truth

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A month has passed since Bryan proposed to me and I couldn't wait until the actual wedding came around. 

I looked down at my finger to see the beautiful ring placed on my marriage finger. Even after a month, I could never stop admiring its beauty. "Ahem. (y/n), your instructions?", my beta, Keith, brought me back to reality. 

"Oh! Oops. 20 pushups then 4 laps!", I instructed the younger ones and they groaned again like always. It was once again Saturday so I had to instruct them once more. "I'm in a good mood so don't ruin it! Or else I'll make you do 10 laps instead", I glared at them and they shut their mouth. 

"Haha, you never change", Keith chuckles by my side as I rolled my eyes in response. "Never did, never will", I gave him a cheeky smile and it was his turn to roll his eyes at me. "Yes ma'am", he simply said and watched the young generation do their 'light' exercises. 

They finally finished their pushups and went to do their 4 laps. We remained quiet for a bit until Keith spoke again. "The deal. Are you really planning to bring the boy back?", he asked me in a quiet tone. 

I didn't answer immediately because I too am feeling a bit hesitant. "I have to. Or else she'll bring me back to the land of the dead", I sighed sadly. A deal always has a price to pay.

"If he turns his back on us, you cannot hesitate to kill him again. Or I'll do it for you", he said coldly and I only nodded in response, my eyes growing dimmer at the thought of killing him even though I will raise him. 

For some reason, it felt wrong to hurt him even if he does turn back like before. 


"Why did you suddenly want to go fishing with me?", I asked the man who's the father of my future wife. 

Adelram came up to me out of nowhere and asked if I wanted to go fishing with him. We were currently at a huge lake that's crystal clear and is safe from any human poison. Yes, we're at one of those magical pockets of water again.

"Hm, what do you think?", he answered me with a question. Man do I hate people doing that to me. "I'm not sure", I said honestly and looked at the wise man for a proper answer. 

He didn't say anything for a while again and just kept staring at the water. "Pandora", was all he said and that single word was enough for me to understand why he brought me here. 

For two whole years, we never brought the topic up again. Until now. 

I didn't say anything and I stared at the clear water like Adelram. It's not like I forgot about him or anything, in fact, I thought about him every day. The only reason why I delayed my proposal to (y/n) was because of him.  

I knew that eventually that if I were to ever marry (y/n), I was going to have to bring back Pandora into our lives again. I know that we're going to raise him properly but that doesn't change the fact that there is a chance he could turn back if he were to ever remember his past memories. 

"I know you delayed your proposal, Bryan", he suddenly spoke. I slightly flinched from the sudden sound. Not only that, but I was surprised that he knew. "How did you-", I was cut off by him. 

"I'm not stupid you know. In fact, I have always wondered why you waited for a while to ask my daughter to marry you. The only reason I could come up with was because of Pandora", this made me stay quiet and listen to whatever he had to say. 

"I know you fear the boy coming back, but you have to understand that he will be your son eventually", he spoke. I looked at him in the eyes and said, "I know but why are you telling me this?", I was genuinely curious. 

"Do you know why Pandora became the way he was?", he asked. I didn't know the whole story but I did know something. "He was abandoned and pressured by the two species, right?", he nods and looks back at the water. 

"Pandora...I heard many awful stories about him when I was just a pup. But I remember my grandmother telling me a different side to Pandora's life", in his eyes, there was some sort of sadness lingered deep in his soul. "Was it...painful to hear?", I asked hesitantly. 

He nods and sighs. "Her story made me change my point of view of Pandora. I was the only wolf who felt bad for him", he said. "What happened?", I asked, suddenly interested in what kind of story he heard. 

"Pandora was a good person. He had a gentle heart and a pure soul who wouldn't hesitate to help those in need. However, the goddess herself turned her back on him due to her doubts that he could actually bridge the gap between the Nightmares and Werewolves. Fearing that she had only created a monster."

"Pandora looked up to the goddess as a mother figure and to hear such things, his heart was broken. He grew fear of himself and started to believe he was a monster. The tension between the two species rise and he was too broken and pressured to solve the problem, so a war broke out and Pandora was thrown at the sideline like he was nothing but trash."

"He believed that he needed more power to be strong and so that's where his craving for power came from. All because nobody could believe in him", he looks at me again with sad eyes. My heart started to ache because every wolf has believed he was nothing but a monster Pandora have feared himself to be. I felt guilt clawing at my heart for misunderstanding him. 

"Listen to me well, Bryan. Don't make the same mistake as everyone else, especially the goddess. Her mistake was that she gave up on him too easily and doubted him too much. Your fear of the boy will result in the same mistake as everyone else."

"...Because of those mistakes..he became Pandora", I stated. I felt tears prickling in my eyes, threatening to spill out. "That's too could everyone just turn their backs on him?", I said with pure sadness. 

I can't even imagine what kind of horrors he had to go through because of someone else's doubts and fear towards him.

 "Because they feared him just like you."

A/N: Hello! I am baaaack. I originally wanted to make this chapter happier but I decided to pull out the real truth and the real story of Pandora only because he's going to have a major impact of the story in the last chapter. 

Ah yes, this is the second to the last chapter TvT

The last chapter is going to be longer than this one, that's for sure. But thank you for being patient with me! 

I was super busy with school and I was also busy with fixing my recent story which is now called 'My Lone Wolf' which is a femalexfemale story. For those interested, just go ahead and find it in my page and enjoy the new story :)

But until next time, I shall see you all in the last chapter :'D

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