Distant To Closure

817 29 16

Warning: Major fluffs up ahead! xD


I came back home after a long day at work. The movie is finally out and now I have to go to conventions and stuff like that. 

Today I went out to sign autographs and meet a whole bunch of lovely fans. They were all nice and not like those weird stalker ones. 

Putting my things down on the table, I went over to the living room to see a female with (h/l) (h/c) laying down in front of the TV with snacks in front of her. 

"...AH!", I screamed once I fully processed at that someone just broke into my house. "AH!", she turned around screaming as well. We both didn't really look at each other and just screamed again. "AHHH!", I try to step back but ended up falling on my ass while she poofs into a...werewolf. 

"(y/n)?!", I looked at her with complete shock. "Yeah! No shit Sherlock! For fuck sake, did you really had to give me a heart attack!?", she yells at me and gives me a glare. "Oh, your one to talk! I thought you were some crazy fangirl in my living room!", I gave her a glare back. 

She rolls her eyes at me and shifts back into a human. I really need to get used to that. 

"What are you doing here?", I asked her since she hasn't come back in 4 months. "I came here to settle things between us", she said and pulls out an old looking paper. Looks like some sort of contract paper. 

"What is that?", I pointed at the paper. "This is a contract. It's a more formal way of letting a human understand our kind and provide you protection. Kind of like a permission slip in a way", she explains. 

I crossed my arms together and narrowed my eyes at her. "So what? That's it? You came back for a piece of paper for me to sign?", I asked in a dull tone. 

To be honest, I'd hoped for her to come back because she missed me in some way, not just something that has to do with her werewolf laws and crap. 

"Yes, that's all", her eyes harden as she stares at me and I slightly flinched and stumbled back from her words.

I stared back at her without saying anything back. 'Did she seriously just said that? Was 24 years of bonding nothing to her?'   

"Well, are you going to sign it or not?", she asked as she hands me the paper. I stared at the paper, not knowing what to do with it. I want to sign it, but at the same time I rather just be left dead. 

Shaking my head, I gave the paper back to her. "I'm not signing it", I said as I looked at the ground, not wanting to look at her face. "Why?", she questions me. 

"Because I rather die than to never see you again", I admitted. For some reason, my heart ached more than usual and tears started to form around my eyes. 

In my heart, I had a feeling that once I sign this, I would never see her again and just the thought of that made everything hurt on the inside. 

Not once have I ever thought I would lose her because of my action and my words. I would always believe that she would be there by my side until our time was up. It hurts. 

I closed my eyes, trying to control myself until I felt arms wrap around my waist. Opening my eyes, I saw (y/n) small figure on me. "What-", I was cut off by a pair of soft lips against mine. '...wha..' 


I hate seeing him so hurt like this, but I didn't know what was happening to me. My body just moved on its own, wanting and felt the need to comfort him. 

I was quite short compared to Bryan, he's like 6' feet while I'm 5'5. Once again, my body acted on its own and so the next thing you know, I was kissing him. 

I pulled away and slightly hid my face from embarrassment as well as trying to hide my red face. 

For these past 4 months, I've been debating about my feeling towards him but in the end, I fell for him. I can't believe he's my mate and not only that, he was always my mate. I just refused to accept it until now. 

"What...was that for?", he stares at me in awe. 'Here I go. I mean, I have nothing to lose at this point...right?' 

"Every werewolf is destined to be with someone and they are often referred to mates. There are special occasions where a werewolf loves a different wolf from a different pack or even a completely different species. In a way...you're my special mate", I explained. My face turning red as I continued to speak. 

He didn't say anything back and I refused to meet his gaze. "Not that you have to accept me or anything! I just acted on impulse. Sorry, I'll just go", I babbled like an idiot and tried to move my arms away from him, but he kept them there. 

This action made me look up at him. He stares at me with a strange look, almost gentle and kind yet loving at the same time. 

"You're right, I don't have to accept this at all", he started and my heart immediately went downwards. "Yet I'm choosing to accept it all", he smiles at me and my eyes widen from surprise. 

"I've known you my entire life, even if you never spoke or acted like a person in front of me, you were still the closest person to me. I have always felt something was missing and when you disappeared for so long, I've come to realize that the missing part was you", he cups my face and I felt like crying. 

This entire time I have always thought that I would b rejected by him, as a friend and mate, but everything turned out completely different then what I anticipated. 

"I missed you too", I quietly said as I felt tears coming down. Strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight embrace. "Don't ever leave me like that again", he said. I nodded and hugged him back as tight as I could. 

After some time, we pulled apart with a small smile on our faces. None of us really said 'I love you' to each other since this is something completely new. We have a lot more to explore and a lot more trials to face before anything.

To be continued~

A/N: Friendly reminder that I will not update tomorrow or on Saturday! However, I will update on Sunday night on Pacific time zone.

See yall until then and I hope you enjoyed today's little special chapter! ;3

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