The Things I Do For You

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It's been about a week since the incident where I disappeared and got hurt, stuff like that. 

Bryan obviously went back to work and remained normal. Well, almost normal. He seemed to keep an eye on me more often than usual. 

There was this one time, he left a camera in his room since that's where I often spend my time in whenever he leaves for work. Plus my bed is in there and this gal needs her naps. 

Anyways, the camera wasn't very well hidden and I caught it easily. Of course, I behaved my normal self but I felt more pressured to be 'normal'. 

Right now I'm just laying on the couch doing nothing. That's what I usually have to go through. Some intense boredom.

As I yawned from being so bored, I heard a knock at the backyard door. 'Huh? Who is that?'  I got off the couch and made my way towards the door then barked. 

"It's me! Stella!", I heard Stella's voice coming from the other side. My eyes widen and I quickly went through the dogy door, or whatever humans want to call it, and met dark hazel eyes. "Hey, what are you doing here?", I asked her.

"I have something to show you! C'mon!", she squealed with excitement and dragged me like she dragged me the first time we met. "Alright alright! What about Violet and Owen?", I brushed her off and followed her on my own. 

"They're having their own time", she said and continues to trot ahead of me. I only nodded and just kept following her. 


"Alright Stella, where in the world are you taking me?", I asked her since it felt like an eternity walking. "Calm your tits, were here", Stella said and I rolled my eyes. 

She pushed some vines away to reveal cave-like area. "Woah", I said stupidly, like a five-year-old seeing a cool toy that was only made out of plastic.

Stella walked inside and I followed her. Soon enough, we stumbled upon a lagoon. The water shimmering bright blue. The walls around us were splashed with blue colors, many different shades as well since they are reflected off from the water. 

I stared at the view in front of me in awe. "This place is where your ancestor's history began", Stella spoke up. My ears perked in interest and I turned to face her. "How you know so much about my family's history in the first place?", I asked. 

"I know because I was born and destined to be a 'Socrates'. It's a Greek name meaning 'wisdom', but can also be portrayed as a very capable person to learn many things in their life and share with others. Your ancestors are very important to our history as werewolves and swore protectors to all man and creature. However, that story isn't mine to tell, it's your father's. When the time is right, he will tell you or you can simply ask when the moment is right", she said. 

I stared at her in shock since I never really learned about my family tree. Now that I think about it, last time she mentioned something I didn't know and should talk about it to my father. Could this be it?   

"So why did you take me here?", I asked. She gave me a small smile and turns to the water. "I took you here because I want you to face something that's from within", she said and turned her attention back to me. 

"Something from within?", I repeated her words, not understanding where she's coming from. "You tell me. You're a wolf who hides her true self from fear of being caught, no?", she tilts her head at me. 

I felt my eyes widen from shock as I stared at her. How the hell did she know about that? "How did you...", my words drifted off, not knowing what to say or comprehend how she knew about my fear. 

"You can't keep this secret of your forever (y/n). He will find out one way or another and let it be in a good way or a bad way, that's all up to you", she said in a warning tone. "Why do you care in the first place?", I glared at her. We don't even know each other for that long and she's already acting like she's my mother or something.

"I'm concerned because it's in my nature to do so. I may act all giggly and happy outside, but right now I have to be serious with you. I told you before, I'm a 'Socrates' and our types are forever bound to your ancestors and future generations that come by. You are that future generation, (y/n)", she said with determination eyes. 

I sighed since arguing wasn't going to take me anywhere. Like, when does it ever?

"Fine, you win", I huffed at her and slightly puffed my cheeks. She gave me a smile and I saw her features relax from satisfaction. 

"I understand that it's completely my choice whether I make it good or not, but it isn't simple. I've grown up with Bryan and been protecting him in the dark for as long as I can remember. I can't bear the fact that he might reject me for who I am", I admitted to her as my ears drooped downwards. 

I never really opened up to anyone about this before so I'm surprised I even said anything about it.

"Fear of rejection is normal. I was always afraid of being rejected by my own kind at the beginning too", Stella looks at the water again but, her eyes shown something dark and sad. 

"What? Why would they reject you? Everyone practically loves you!", I couldn't believe she was afraid of being rejected by the pack. It is true that everyone does love her and respect her. Everywhere I go with her, people always greet her with a smile on their face. 

"I guess, but when I was younger, the entire pack didn't really like me because I was so different from others. Eventually, things did get better, but it doesn't truly go away unless you face it", she looks back at me with empathy in her eyes. 

I understood where she was coming from and I know I have to tell Bryan one day sooner or later, but I'm too much of a coward to say anything, much less do anything. 

"You do so much for him and face personal problems as well as issues with yourself and the pressure from an entire pack when you become the leader. (y/n), I didn't come out here and drag you along then suddenly pop this topic out of nowhere, I did this because I have actual reasons. Those reasons are quite obvious. You hold things in, even when you don't show or say much and it's tearing you apart from the inside. I know because I used to do the same", I couldn't say anything. I was too stunned to move or talk.

I never met someone who could easily see right through me. "Come on. It's getting late", she stood up from her spot and led me out of the lagoon area. 

I turned around and tried my best to smile. "Thanks for everything. I think I needed that talk", I said. She nods and smiles at me in return. 

She turns around and heads back to the pack while I turned a different direction. A much longer route to Bryan's house since I wanted time to think on my own.

For the longest time, I would always think that Bryan will never find out and he would grow old and die without ever knowing, but somewhere inside of me, I knew he would find out whether I like it or not. 

The things I keep in, the secrets I hold onto by myself, they are all for Bryan's sake. I would do anything to stay by his side and if I have to hide who I am, then so be it.

It's funny, really. To think I would go so far for someone like a human. I chuckled at myself because of how stupid I sounded and felt. I looked up at the moon feeling despair and worry about the future and kept thinking about it over and over again.

'The things I do for you...'

To be continued~

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