Chapter 1

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It was really late and a certain 10 year old would be getting her starter Pokemon tomorrow.

(Y/n) p.o.v

"Nidorino and gengar are so cool! Don't you think mew?"

Mew!!, Mew suddenly hid under your bed.

Curiously I asked "Mew, What's wrong buddy?"

"(Y/N) KETCHEM what are you doing?!
"You should be getting a good night sleep for your journey tomorrow!" My mother said.
My mother's name is Delia ketchum.

"But mom I wanted to watch Gengar fight- ONIX?! When did that happen?! This is gonna be so cool!" I say with stars in my eyes.

"Now if you want to stay up all night why don't you watch this it's for upcoming trainers, professor Oak starred in it himself."

"N-No thanks mom I'll go to bed." I said with a dead panned expression. getting in bed I wished my mother goodnight.

"Goodnight mom!" I say turning towards mew.

"Goodnight deary" your mother says while turning off the lights and shutting the door.

"Goodnight mew." I say cuddling into it. Mew yawns cutely while falling asleep.

~The Next day~

I woke up looking at my alarm clock, my eyes almost left my sockets.

"Shoot shoot shoot, we have to hurry we're late!" I got dressed and rushed out the door towards professor Oaks lab.

"Hey ketchup!, I got my first Pokemon I beat you!" Gary said while smirking.

"Mew could beat all your Pokemon." you said mumbling under your breath.

"What was that ketchup?" Gary asked, having pink on his cheeks.

"Nothing don't worry about it! You said.

"I'm off." he left with his cheerleaders right behind him..... in a car?! Okay whatever Author. I deadpanned.

I walked up the steps to professor Oaks lab. "Oh (Y/n) there you are you're late." Professor oak said.

"Yeah I know, sorry. I'm ready for my starter Pokemon professor!" I said.

Right come this way, we came to a room that had 3 poke ball's surrounding 1 with an electric sticker on it.

"Professor?" I asked.

"Yes (Y/n)?" he replied.

"What Pokemon is that?" I asked pointing to the poke ball in the middle.

"Oh that, that's a new Pokemon I caught a couple days ago, caught it eating the labs electricity." professor Oak replied.

"Could I have it for my starter?" I asked excitedly.

"I suppose you could, but I have to warn you it's not very nice to people or Pokemon!" Professor Oak said concerned.

"I'll take em'. I said smiling.

"If you say so (Y/n) don't say I didn't warn you." he said exasperatedly. I grabbed the pokeball in the air and out came a pikachu.

"An electric type I see that would make sense since it was eating your electricity." I said smiling. I offered my hand to the Pokemon.

"Hey there pikachu would you like to join me on my journey?"You asked softly.

To your surprise pikachu jumped in your arms, You hugged it softly. "Is that a yes?" I asked curiously.

My Pokemon journey....KantoWhere stories live. Discover now