Chapter 2

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(Y/n) p.o.v
"We finally made it!" Misty said exhausted.

"Yeah I know, I can't wait to register for the Kanto league!" I said excitedly.

"Let's go inside!" Misty exclaimed.

We walked inside and got greeted by nurse joy. "Hello nurse joy I'd like to register for the Kanto league." I said while handing her my pokedex.

"Alright (Y/n) ketchum?" nurse joy asked trying to confirm it was actually me.

"Yes!" I said smiling.

Misty and nurse joy looked at my pokedex and saw that it was different than a normal Pokédex. "whats wrong with your pokedex (Y/n)?" misty asked.

"My pokedex is from the kalos region professor oak got it for me." I said explaining it quickly.

"Oh" misty said.

"There your ready for the league (Y/n)!" Nurse joy said while handing me back my pokedex.

"Thanks nurse joy! Can you make sure my Pokemon are healthy for a battle please?" I ask while handing her my pokeballs.

"Of course!" Nurse joy said while walking away with pikachu and my other Pokemon.

~After I call professor oak and my mom (too lazy.)~

As pikachu and the other Pokemon get checkups me and Misty start talking to each other. We learned a lot about each other, like misty has three ignorant sisters and she learned that I have been talented with the study of Pokemon since I was a little girl.

"(Y/n) ketchem please come pick up your Pokemon." Nurse joy said over the intercom.

"lets go misty!" I said while getting up walking over to the counter with misty following right behind me.

We made our way over to nurse joy to pick up my Pokemon. "Thanks nurse joy." I said happily while pikachu jumped on my shoulder.

"your Pokemon are in tip top shape take good care of them." Nurse joy said while walking away.

"I will don't worry." I said while turning towards misty.

"So Misty, would you like to travel with me and Pikachu?" I asked looking at pikachu.

"Sure it would be more fun traveling with friends." Misty responded excited.

"Yes! You hear that pikachu?" I said cheekily.


Misty and I walked out of the poke center and start walking on a dusty road, when suddenly Misty starts screaming.

"M-Misty what's wrong?" I ask as she hides behind me.

I look down to see a caterpie. "Hey a caterpie, Let's catch it pikachu!" I said while getting in a battle stance.


"Use thunderbolt!" I command.


The move was very effective because the caterpie fainted, I tossed my pokeball at it, catching it for good.

"Alright I caught a caterpie!, did you see that misty?" I said with stars in my eyes.

"Yes I saw now keep it away from me!" Misty said fearfully.

"Misty are you scared of bug Pokemon?" I asked curiously.

"Y-Yes I know it's lame." she said ashamed.

"It's okay Misty everyone's afraid of something." I said trying to comfort her.

My Pokemon journey....KantoWhere stories live. Discover now