Authors Note

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Hello everyone I have a few things I need to tell you before I continue the story, please read.

1. I know the events aren't in order, I'm not stupid it's my book I can write it how I want to and I'm going to write it how I WANT to.

2. In about 2 or 3 chapters or more there will be some confusing event.

4. This book will go how I planned it to a year ago, the only thing I'm fixing is my horrible 7th grade grammar, which in all was terrible as heck.

5. This book is already edited all the way through, I'm just waiting each night to update so it's not annoying.

6. I have other book ideas incredibly different from this one.

7. I don't plan to make another series, I'll leave it to your imagination.

8. That's all have fun with the rest of the story!

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