Chapter 9 (training)

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~(Y/n) p.o.v~

"I think we're gonna have to camp out for the night." I said.

"Yeah your right (Y/n)." Brock said.

"Besides I want to train before the next gym, I heard its brutal." I said worried.

"Well whatever it is, I'm sure you can handle it." Misty said.

"Thanks Misty!" I said smiling.

~after I set up the magical tent~

"Alright I'm gonna go train for a while I'm leaving dinner with you Brock." I said running away.

"You can count on me." He yelled loud enough so I could hear.

I walked to a huge lake.


"Everyone out!" I said as I threw all my Pokeball's in the air.

~flash back~

I walked in the Pokemon center and called professor oak.

"Hello (Y/n)!" Professor Oak said.

"Hey professor I have a favor I need of you?" I asked.

"I need to be able to carry 14 Pokemon at once." I asked. Waiting for him say no.

"Of course (Y/n) I'll send your pokemon over." He said happily.

"Thanks professor!" I said excitedly.

~flash back end~

Everyone cheered happily seeing all their friends.

"Okay today and tomorrow is gonna be brutal we need to level up everyone and the Pokémon that trains the hardest gets to battle the gym, sound good?" I asked. Everyone gave out a battle cry.

(I don't feel like explaining how they train but here are the results (*゚▽゚*)

Mew- future sight, trick room, close combat, surf, giga drain.
Pikachu- flamethrower, surf, focus punch, mach punch.
Pidgeot- hurricane, steel wing, brave bird, iron tail.
Butterfree- stun spore, agility, earthquake, surf.
Gyrados- surf, Draco meteor, dragon tail, leer, fire blast.
Lucario- focus punch, aura sphere, telepathy, night shade, bone rush.
Espeon- rain dance, psychic, confusion, psycho cut, disable.
Mewtwo- trick room, future sight, Draco meteor, shadow ball, psycho cut, confusion, disable, teleport, protect, physic.
Suicune- agility, hyper beam, hydro pump, surf, vine whip, quick attack, giga drain, thunderbolt, flamethrower, protect, ice beam.
Absol- stone edge, crunch, agility, protect, double team, scratch, shadow ball, Ariel ace, bulk up, close combat, flare kick.
Ivysaur- hydro pump, solar beam, sunny day, vine whip, protect, double team, energy ball, crunch.
Charmeleon- flamethrower, protect, double team, scratch, roar, solar beam, sunny day, Draco meteor, blast burn.
Wartortle- surf, withdraw, rapid spin, hydro pump, flame thrower, sunny day, thunderbolt.
Egg(unknown)- (will hatch in a couple chapters,) hint; dragon type.

All Pokemon are as fast as the speed of light. (not an exaggeration.)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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