Chapter 18

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  Pokemon on hand;



quadillen (braixen wanted to train with charizard and other fire types as well as water at the lab)








(will get Pokemon this episode this is the confusing event I said to get over you'll see soon enough.)

~(Y/n) p.o.v~

I woke up surrounded by the sound of snoring, and chuckle. I got up slowly not wanting to wake them up and got dressed in my usual white plain t-shirt with baggy boyfriend jeans with white converse. I then put my hair in a sloppy bun, with my golden locket and master ball around my neck.

 I then put my hair in a sloppy bun, with my golden locket and master ball around my neck

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I smiled feeling ready for the day.

"today's the day I get my eighth and final gym badge. and i'm going to win no mater what!" I went to the kitchen making breakfast for everyone once again, the same thing happened as yesterday morning. I quickly packed up and we started heading to viridian city with my hand in Brock's.

~time skip~

I heads straight to the gym not wanting to stop at the poke center when mew two, lucario and mew say "mother a Pokemon is in pain and it's the strong psychic energy Riley was talking about its coming from the gym." in unison.

"thanks for the warning we'll probably encounter it soon enough." I thought in my head.

they all nod and go back to relaxing in their poke balls. I walked in front of the gym and smiled with everyone behind me. I knocked on the door and saw  a figure come out and he said "only one person allowed in the gym at a time. who's the one challenging the gym leader?" he asked.

i smiled.

"me!" (trying to hide my burning rage from hearing a gym leader let a Pokemon go through pain.)

he looked at me skeptical which made me twitch in annoyance.

"very well" he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside slamming the door in front of my friends faces. (trying to hold back wanting to beat him black and blue.) I quickly pulled his arm off forcefully and squeeze his wrist causing him to yank it back in pain.

I smiled.

"do that again and I wont let you escape GOT IT!" I said sending him a cold glare. he nodded looking petrified.

I walked in front of the gym leader, and smiled innocently as if I didn't threaten one of his employee's.

"i'm here for a gym battle." I said confidently.

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