Chapter 19

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Pokemon on hand;

mew two- (aisubeki)

mew two - (victor)









~(still mew two's p.o.v)~

A couple minuets after I started playing with her hair I notice her eyes were red and puffy, she then suddenly woke up. she stood up and started bombarding me with questions. for example:

"are you okay?"

"your not hurt are you?"

"i'm so glad your okay." she then tackled me in a tight hug. my eyes widen in surprise. "i'll be right back promise!" she said as she walked outside. at that moment pikachu woke up, and looked at me smiling.

"may i ask you a question?" i ask intrigued. pikachu nods.

"is she always like this?" pikachu starts laughing.

"pika-pi!" (yes).

"is she just using me for power?" i ask warily. pikachu glares at me.

"pika-chu-pika-pi" he says angrily (no and don't ever say that about my trainer!) i nod.

"do you think i could be her Pokemon?" pikachu smiles.

"pika-chu!" (of course, but she wont force you) i nod and stare at the door waiting for her to come back, moments later (which felt like hours) she opened the door and walked in.

"i'm glad you two are getting along." She said happily.

"could you be my trainer?" I ask waiting for her to say no.

"of course!" she said smiling. i smile, my stomach is having this weird fuzzing feeling.

"now you must be hungry so lets go eat!" she said giggling. she then grabbed my arm and put it over her shoulders as we both walk out to go get food, i hate to admit it but i'm starving. we sit at a table as she gets a bottle of ketchup out of her bag and hands it to pikachu.

"I wonder why" i thought in my head.

"(Y/n)!" she turns her head right after she sets our food on the table.

"hey Brock whats up?" she asks looking at her food.

"Are you okay?" he asks. she smiles and nods.

"victor's good two!" She said.

"victor/victor?" 'Brock' and I asked at the same time.

"what do you not like it?, it's your new nickname. I don't like calling you mew two."she said stuffing her face. I nod and start eating. then the rest of the group makes it over to us.

"allow them to introduce themselves!" she said with food in her mouth, I just nod softly.

"i'm misty" the orange haired girl said.

"i'm Riley" the one with a blue hat said.

"alain" the one with blue scarf replied.

"And i'm Marin and this is chespie!" the auburn brown haired girl said.

My Pokemon journey....KantoWhere stories live. Discover now