Chapter 5

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~At cerulean city~

"Finally we made it!" Misty said obviously trying to prepare herself for what's about to happen.

"I still don't know why you don't want to come here Misty." I said.

"I've got some stuff to do I'll meet up with you guys later at the poke center." Said Brock.

"Okay see you later Brock." I said while waving him off like any other anime character would.

"Im gonna go get something to eat, I'm hungry." Misty said.

"okay see you guys later!, Come on pikachu lets go find that gym!" I said while I started to race around town.


"There it is pikachu, cerulean gym!"


"Where is everyone pikachu?" I then heard cheering. I then walk in a Stadium like room with a big pool.

"Who's that, I thought this was a gym?" I asked confuzuled.


I walk downstairs to an aquarium like hall. "Now what are we gonna do pikachu?" I kept walking in the hall until I heard voices.

"That show was amazing, practice does make perfect!" a voice said.

"Come on pikachu let's see if this is a gym or not!"


"Excuse me?" I asked politely.

"If you want an interview you have to go up front." The pink haired girl said.

"No I'm not here for that." I said getting slightly annoyed.

"We don't do autographs either!" the blue haired girl said.

"I just wanted to know if this was a gym or not?" I asked getting ticked off.

"Yeah it is but we don't do gym battles anymore." The blonde haired girl said.

"W-What why not?" I asked rudely.

"We got beaten 3 times in a row, some kids from palet town." I sweatdrop. "Here I know what you want right, seal! Here it's the gym badge take it." The blue haired girl said.

"No thanks I'd rather earn my badge." I said.

"You tell em' (Y/n)!" Misty said.

"Oh hey Misty, I thought you didn't want to come to the gym?" I asked curiously.

"Well they left me with no choice! If they won't battle you I will."Misty yelled over dramatically.

"Alright Misty bring it on!" I smiled. (hehe( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

~time skip~

"This is a two Vs two battle, battle begin!" The referee shouted.

"Staryu!" Misty called out her staryu.

"Alright then I choose you butterfree!" I said as I tossed his pokeball.


"Staryu water gun!" Misty commanded to her Pokemon.

"In that case butterfree protect!" I shouted.


"Nice job (Y/n)." misty said.

"Thanks but I'm just getting started! Butterfree thunderbolt!"

"Butterfree!" It successfully hit staryu and it was down for the count.

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