Chapter 10

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~two weeks later~

"We finally made it!" I said exhausted.

"I can't wait to take a bubble bath!" Misty said smiling.

"Let's head to the pokemon center and take care of everything we need to do, then we'll go to the gym." Brock said.

"Yeah let's go!" I said running to the Pokemon center.

"Wait up!" Brock says chasing after me.

"Don't run!" Misty said annoyed.

We entered the Pokemon center and booked a room. I gave my Pokemon to nurse joy so she could give them some treatment then, I took a bath, washed my hair, dried my hair then brushed my hair and teeth, and changed into different clothes cause my other clothes were in the washer.

"All clean!" I say smiling in the mirror. I walk out of the room and went to the front of the center where I could eat.

"(Y/n) ketchem please come to the front desk to pick up your Pokemon." Nurse joy said over the intercom. I walk up to the front desk and see pikachu eating an apple.

"Pikachu!" I say running up to him.

"Pika!" Pikachu says jumping on my shoulder.

"Great to see you buddy!" I said giggling.

"Pika!" I grab the rest of the pokeballs from nurse joy and put them on my belt.

"Thanks nurse joy!" I said happily.

"You have very interesting Pokemon (Y/n)!"
Nurse joy said.

"Thanks now, let's go pikachu I'm really hungry!"

At that moment I did not know a certain blue scarfed boy was listening in on our conversation. I walked to go get something to eat then I sat at a table alone with pikachu. I started to eat when a boy with black hair and blue eyes with a girl with auburn brown hair with Hazel eyes with a Pokemon I've never seen start walking up to me. I look up and smile with my cheeks full of food.

"I heard nurse joy said you have interesting Pokemon, can you explain?" The blue eyed boy asked as he sat in front of me with the girl no older than seven sat by him. I swallowed my food.

"my names (Y/n) nice to meet you." I say ignoring his question.

"Alain." he said.

"My names Marin and this is chespin!" the little girl said smiling.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I say smiling making the black haired boy blush.

"We wanted to see your Pokemon!" Marin said innocently.

"I'll show you after I eat!, I'm really hungry why not tell me about yourselves while I eat?" I asked stuffing my face.

"Sure!" Marin said.

After I ate I learned that they are from the kalos region and their professor sycamores grand kids and, that Alain has a Charizard. (Alain can't mega-evolve charizard..yet)

"that was so good!" I said smiling.


"Now can we see your Pokemon?" Marin asked excitedly.

"Yeah sure but let's do it outside where no one will pay attention." I said whilst getting up.

"Sure." Alain said getting up. I walked out the Pokemon center with them following me.

"Are you ready?" I ask turning on my heels to look at them.

"Yes!" Marin said excited.

"Everyone out." I said whilst throwing pokeballs into the air. Everyone gave a cheer. (mew, pidgeot,butterfree, shiny gyrados, lucario, espeon, Mewtwo, suicune, absol,charmeleon, ivysaur and wartortle came out of their pokeballs. remember you can carry 14 Pokemon at once now, with pikachu) they stared in shock as all my Pokemon started loving me.

My Pokemon journey....KantoWhere stories live. Discover now