Chapter 4

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(Y/n) p.o.v
We were walking when I heard a whimper and immediately stopped.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?"They both asked. Then I heard it again and my reflexs kicked in and I ran towards it, leaving them behind. When I got there I saw an eevee and an ursaring fighting but the ursaring was obviously beating it, literally.

"Pikachu thunderbolt on ursaring now!"

"Pika-CHUU!" Ursaring ran away and I ran to eevee.

"Are you OK?" I asked worried.

"Eveui!" It said, then jumped it my arms and was shaking from fear.

"It's alright" I said in a soothing voice rocking it. "Would you like to join me on my journey to become Pokemon master?" It nodded it's head up and down as I smiled, I pulled out an empty pokeball and caught her then I took her out quickly.

"Now let's get you fixed up!" I took off my bag taking the egg out carefully getting my first aid.

"This is going to sting a bit okay." I told her.


(after I fixed her up.)

"now let's head back shall we?" I ask her. She nods. I pick her up with pikachu on my shoulder. As soon as I caught up with my traveling buddies Brock suddenly ran to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay? We were so worried!" Brock said.

"Brock calm down I'm fine I saved an eevee! I held her up, and she'll be joining our journey!"I said with a smile.

*brock blushes*

"that's great!" Misty said.

"I know! Now let's head to cerulean city, shall we?" They both nod.

~time skip~

"It's already night time can't we just camp out?" Misty asked whining.

"I guess." I said sighing. I got out my tent and quickly got it ready.

"There you go Misty happy?" I asked annoyed.

"Very!" she said.

"Brock you can pick whichever room you want okay?" I look at him and see him confused, I sigh "come on." I said as I walk in and start to make dinner for everyone. Brock walks in and looks around surprised.

"Hey Brock go ahead and pick a room just not the ones that have our name on it okay?" I asked exhausted because of today's events.

"Okay!" he said. He walked down stairs after he picked a room and saw me cooking and my Pokemon training outside. I put everything in the oven and walk outside and gave my Pokemon advice and what to do next.

"Alright everyone needs to teach eevee a new move. Mew you'll teach her protect, pikachu you'll teach her thunderbolt, Pidgeotto Ariel ace, butterfree energy ball, gyrados you'll teach her flamethrower, riolu you'll teach her close combat. And no one gets food untill she masters all of them but you have plenty of time so don't worry. And eevee if you can't do it tell me and we'll forget about it but if you give up now you can't ever learn those moves ever again so it's now or never. I'm going to go make desert so you guy can eat it after you train eevee." I say as I walk away.

Eevee p.o.v

I looked at everyone and they all smiled.

"I know she can be tough but we're all 3 times stronger from one day of training because of it!" Pidgeotto said.

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