Chapter 12

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~axew p.o.v~


"This training is so hard but I know I'll get stronger, I have to, I have to protect mother." trainings finally over I learned a lot of New moves. I'm so excited to battle I talked to mother and she said I could battle if I trained really hard. And I'm proud of myself.

We walked into the magical tent to eat, I was so hungry I used most of my energy so mother was carrying me. We finally ate Brock's cooking, I thought it was really good but all the other Pokemon said mothers cooking was better.

"Oh pikachu!" mother said getting up. I got you something she handed him a bottle of ketchup and pikachu looked really happy.

"I wonder why?" I started eating again when mother gave everyone poffins. I took a bite and I have to say her cooking is better than Brock's.

She smiled "axew I'm very proud of you, you trained very hard."

I smiled.

"Axew!" (thanks)

~(Y/n) p.o.v~

"Oh yeah I won two mysterious items in this black bag and another mysterious pokemon." I said getting the black pouch and pokeball out of my back pack.

"What is it?" Marin asked.

I opened it, it was light purple and white It was also on a black beaded bracelet with a smaller blue stone also on a black bracelet but it didn't have beads on it.

"It's a mega-stone!" Alain said astonished.

"Mega-stone?" I asked confused.

"It's a stone to make a Pokemon evolve into another stage but you have to have a deep connection with them and after, they change back to normal." Alain explained.

"Cool!" I said with stars in my eyes.

"Now time for the mysterious Pokemon" I said while I open the pokeball.

"Rockruff!" I turn my head to the side in confusion and scanned it.

No data.

"Strange, well welcome to the team!" I said while he started eating with everyone else.

"I'll have to ask professor oak later, anyways, I bet this mega-stone can make one of my Pokemon mega-evolve, let's try it!" I tried most of Pokemon. But nothing. I started loosing hope. The only Pokemon left was mewtwo.

"Alright aisubeki let's try this, listen to my wish, obey me keystone mega evolve!" I shouted then mewtwo started glowing.

"I can feel power coursing through my veins" I thought.

"Phsyco cut." I commanded with a deadly stare.

"S-She cut down a portion of the forest!" misty said astonished. After that everything was black.

~Mewtwo p.o.v~

"I felt three more times as powerful I felt like I could destroy the universe." I looked behind me sensing something wrong when I saw my trainer falling on the floor unconscious. Half way through falling I caught her and changed back to my original form.

"She probably felt all the power I did and got overwhelmed." After the humans realised what was going on they rushed to (Y/n)'s side.

~time skip~

~(Y/n) p.o.v~

I woke up in my bed and I realised what happened and got up quickly going to look for mewtwo, I was worried. I walk downstairs clutching on the rail for support, when I saw mewtwo and everyone else on the couch.

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