Chapter 11

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~Pokemon on hand, keep in mind that you get all of these Pokémon IN this chapter~

1 Pokemon egg.
Mysterious pokemon x2-both F
(my other Pokemon are being studied and training everyday)

We all walked aboard and my eyes shined with excitement.

"So i say we split up and meet back here!" I said running off with pikachu on my shoulder, while everyone sweat dropped.

"Typical (Y/n)." misty said while walking away.

~Back with (Y/n)~

I walked around and saw a trainer yelling at a shiny umbreon and shiny Pokemon I've never seen, it was blue with ribbons with a bow on its head it looked so cute!

"I wanted a glaceon and vaporeon!" He yelled at his two Pokémon. he then did the unimaginable and he walked away leaving them sad. I walked up to him calmly and punched his face.

"Your a horrible trainer who shouldn't even have Pokemon." The blue Pokemon watched amazed. He tried hitting back but I swiftly doges and pinned him on the floor.

"Apologize" I said in such a deep scary voice that even pikachu got scared.

"I-Im sorry!" he said looking at his abandoned Pokemon. I let him go and he ran away. I slowly approached them.

"Hello!, sorry for what he did, trainers like that shouldn't exist." Both of the blue pokemon walked up to me and rubbed their head on my arm. I smile and pattheir heads.

"Your very welcome, I know we just met but would you both like to come with me on my journey to become Pokemon master?" They both looked at me surprised and nodded really quickly I smiled and pulled out two empty pokeballs, and caught them.

~With brock~

I just entered a contest to win a fruit blender for Poke berries and some other stuff to my surprise I won all of them. I sweat dropped.

~With Alain and marin~

"let's play that game!" Marin said pointing to a bottle throw contest apparently if you won you got a Pokemon or Pokemon egg.

"Alright calm down Marin."

"If I win I'm gonna get an egg and raise it as my own. "She said happily, I smiled at her. (She won)

~With misty~

I won so many water Pokemon and a Pokemon egg.

~Back with (Y/n)~
I see someone selling a magicarp and feebas and get angry, I called officer Jenny and she took care of them.

"Hey officer Jenny do you mind if I take them with me?" I ask pointing to the two surprised pokemon.

"No not at all she said walking away." I turned around.

"well how about it?" I ask. They both nod and smile happily. I got there pokeball and returned them. I walk towards a convenience store while Pikachu's outside talking to other Pokemon outside of the store. I saw ketchup and remembered that pikachu likes ketchup so I bought him a bottle and hid it in my bag. I walked out the store.

"pikachu let's go!" I said as pikachu climbed on my shoulder, we walked away when I saw a stand, apparently if you make 5 baskets you get a mysterious Pokemon. I obviously entered and won. I didn't want to see what Pokemon it was yet so I just put it on my belt. I walked up to see people signing up for a contest. I obviously entered. Third place got a pokeball collection, second place got a Pokemon egg and Pokemon and first place got a mysterious pokemon two mysterious items in a bag.

My Pokemon journey....KantoWhere stories live. Discover now