Chapter 15

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Pokemon on hand;

Mewtwo- F

Pikachu- M

Latios- M

Blastoise- M

Lucario- F

Umbreon- M

Mew- F

Charmeleon- F

~(Y/n) POV~

We were walking through an open field when the ground started shaking.

"Is it an earth quake?" Marin asked looking around.

"No I think its them!" Alain said pointing to a heard of Tauros.

"Your probably right Alain." I said smiling while holding Brock's hand.

a growlithe then came out of no where calming the herd down.

"Wow a growlithe." I said smiling.

I crouch down letting go of Brock's hand and start scratching the under neath of its chin, smiling. It smiles at my touch.

"Great job growlithe!" a voice said from beside me.

I turn around and see a girl riding a ponyta.

"Hello I'm (Y/n) and this is my partner pikachu."


"I'm Brock."

"I'm misty."


"and I'm Marin and this is chespin."

Everyone introduced themselves, she then started talking about the Pokemon race. We start walking to the ranch that she had mentioned, when another herd appeared but it was full of dodrio. A boy riding a dodrio walks up to us, sees me and blushes. Brock sees this and twitches in jealousy. I see this and grab his hand.

"Well howdy Laura, you can see my dodrio, Are on top of their game." He said smugly.

"I'm going to win that race." He said looking at me with a smirk.

"Well who ever wins no heart feelings?" She said nicely.

He just scoffs and runs off riding dodrio. I look at her and asked,

"who was that?"

"That was Dario he's a dodrio trainer and loves showing off his Pokemon's speed." She explained to us.

"Sounds like a show off!" Marin said pouting.

"Yeah I agree!" misty said looking at ponyta.

"Well I hope you win Laura." I said smiling.

"You guys can watch as my guests if you would like." she said looking at Brock blushing.

I see this and have a dark aura around me. Brock sees this and rubs my hand with his thumb. I smile in gratitude. Suddenly Dario starts walking towards us, when he says that Laura's Tauros are fighting.

We all quickly run to her tauros we finally get them to calm down when something suddenly goes by ponyta really fast, making it spooked. Bucking Laura off, I calm down ponyta in less than 5 seconds and we go to her house to find out her arms sprained.

"(Y/n) you should ride ponyta, I won't be able to grab the rains hard enough with this sprained arm. You should fill in for me, oh please race for me!" She asked me with a pleadful look.

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