Chapter 7

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A.N~ hello! Please read this. The plan for me is to update every Wednesday, but Ill still try to update everyday, I didn't update yesterday because my brother and his girlfriend bought a fixer upper house and I was on my feet for most of the day helping them and now my arms are sore! Anyways have fun with this chapter!

Later after absol and suicune hatched we found out they were soulmates. We then started walking through the forest when we came across a bridge, we all tried crossing it but it snapped and I had to pull Misty and Pikachu up. Unfortunately Brock fell down screaming. We started looking for Brock when Misty fell in a hole.

"(Y/n) get me out of here!"She screamed. After that Misty kept falling in traps, when suddenly she got caught in a net. Being the good friend I am I started laughing until tears formed.

"You need help Misty?" Brock asked appearing out of thin air.

"Yes get me down from here!" She shrieked.

After Brock got misty down Brock started telling us about a pretty girl and injured Pokemon. Just than an oddish appeared, Misty then declared to capture it.

"I'm gonna catch oddish!" I look at oddish and noticed it was shaking.

"Misty I don't think you should do that." I said while deadpanning.

"And why not?"Misty asked annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

"look Misty it's easily noticeable that it's scared I mean it's shaking for Gosh sakes." I slowly walk up to oddish and pet his head softly.

"It's okay oddish we won't catch you." Just then a bulbasaur came and tackled me. I looked at it with a smile. I sat up and pet Bulbasaur's head.

"I'm glad you protect your friends we'll be leaving, it's a shame that I can't catch you. But, anyone would be lucky to have you on their team." He looked at me weirdly. I smiled,

"Let's go guys." I said sadly.

"Right I'll let you meet that girl I met." Brock said while walking in the direction of where she is.

I nod "bye Bulbasaur." I said waving.


Brock, Misty and I saw a cabin and a girl with long blue hair.

LSo your the friends Brock mentioned?" She asked looking directly at me. I turn my head sideways in confusion.

"Yeah that's us!" I said as she lightly blushes.

"Hey since this place helps Pokemon why don't we help this place?" I ask.

"Yeah that's a great idea, (Y/n)!" Misty said. I giggle.

I looked after staryu and rattata, Brock looked after caterpie and oddish, misty looked after Pidgey and gloom. Then all of a sudden a vacuum starts sucking all the Pokemon up. We quickly got everyone inside the cabin for safety.

"What are we gonna do?"Misty asks worried.

~after team rockets motto~

"Mew it's your time to shine!" I say as I through her Pokeball in the air.

"Mew use confusion!"

"Mew!" Mew used confusion leaving team rocket in a daze.

"Now use pshyco cut!"


"Team rockets blasting off again!" The "pretty" girl stares at me in shock.

"Could you keep her a secret for me please?" I ask the blue haired girl.

"No problem (Y/n)!" She said while smiling kindly.

"Alright great job Mew now return!" I said while pulling out her master ball.


"(Y/n) can you do me a favor?" The blue haired girl asks.

"Sure what is it?" I ask curiously.

"I want you to take bulbasaur." She said.

"W-What I can't pos- you can and you will it's time bulbasaur leaves this place and travel around the world." I smile.

"Well bulbasaur what do you say?"

"Bulba!" I take out a empty Pokeball and tap his head with it. After the 3rd shake it stops.

"Yes!, I caught a bulbasaur!"

Pokemon on hand;
Mew- female
Pikachu- male
Riolu- female
Mewtwo- female
Suicune- male
Absol- female
Bulbasaur- male
Gyrados- male

At professor Oaks lab;
Butterfree- male
Pidgeot- female
(evolved at professor Oaks lab, as big as a charizard)


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