Chapter 8

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(artwork not mine)

~(Y/n) POV~

"Hey there's a Pokemon center up ahead you guys!" Brock said.

"Yeah finally!" misty complained.

"Let's go already!" I said running to the Pokemon center with pikachu on your shoulder.

"How do you have so much energy?" Misty asked confused and exhausted.

We walked in the pokemon center and we all quickly handed all our Pokemon to nurse joy.

"Thanks nurse joy!" I said with a smile.

"No problem." She smiled back. Brock misty and I sat by a window when suddenly a group of boys start talking about a charmander.

"Hey damian didn't you have a charmander?" One boy asked.

"Yeah I did but I left it I said I was coming back, but it was so weak it couldn't even defeat a caterpie." Damian said. They all laughed. I had shades over my eyes as I got up slowly walking to the trainers. I grabbed Damian's collar.

"Go get it!" I said angrily.

"Get what?" he asked arrogantly.

"That charmander, it could be hurt and if that flame on its tail burns out it will die and you have the nerve to laugh?!" I screamed into his face.

I punched his nose and everyone stops doing everything and hears a crack, everyone looks at Damian holding his nose, blood coming from it. I ran out the Pokemon center to look for charmander. I start running to the left. I then heard spearow and knew I was getting closer.

"Just hold on charmander." I said while racing towards my destination. I see a bunch of spearow attaching a charmander. I quickly run over and grab charmander from its rock.

The spearow starts pecking my back. Me being the stupid person I am I forgot to bring my Pokemon. I quickly run to the Pokemon center with spearow chasing me shredding the back of my shirt and for me to have deep scratches causing blood to spill out my back. I see the Pokemon center in my view and run inside.

"Nurse joy this Pokemon needs your help quickly!" I yell. Everyone looks at my bloody back and stare at me in shock.

"Nurse joy!" I snap everyone out there daze.

"Oh dear!" She grabs charmander and rushes to the emergency room. I stand there panting, Damian and his friends, Brock and misty kept staring at the blood on my back.

"I made it yes! I say fist pumping the air. Brock runs to me.

"Are you okay, what happened why is your back covered in blood?" He asked worried while covering me with his jacket.

"Some spearow decided to attach charmander so I chose to take the attack for him and you know what!, I do it a million more times." I say while grabbing into his jacket for warmth and while laughing.

After Brock patches me up I waited for charmander.

~Brock p.o.v~

(Y/n) comes running in with charmander in her arms and he's injured I start to get worried then I see her back and my heart stops. I freeze.

The things she does for Pokemon.

I ran to her.

"Are you okay, What happened?"

~(Y/n) p.o.v~

I fell asleep on Brock's shoulder and when I woke up he was still sleeping so his head was on my head so I couldn't move. Then nurse joy comes out of the emergency room giving me a thumbs up. I sigh in relief.

"Can I see her?" Nurse joy nods I slowly got up not wanting to wake Brock up and kissed him on the forehead. Then I walk to charmander's room not knowing Misty watched the whole thing.

After charmander healed, we left but team rocket trapped us in a hole then charmander fired them with a really powerful flamethrower and we got out of the hole. Then we saw Damian and he was trying to get charmander back.

"Isn't a broken nose enough?" I asked him.

"Says the one who probably has scars on her back trying to save a weak Pokemon." Charmander looked at me confused, I just smiled.

"Don't worry charmander. And that was my decision if I did anything else she would have died! And You know what I'd do it again over and over if I know it's the only way to keep her safe!" She then suddenly lifts my shirt to see my back only to see a bunch of deeps scars littered on my back. I grab charmander.

"Don't worry charmander I'm alright see." I say smiling. I kiss it's forehead and look at Damian.

"She doesn't want to go with you, you got it? I asked annoyed. He scoffs and walks away.

"Hey Charmander would you like to join my journey to become Pokemon master?" She nods her head up and down. I take out an extra pokeball and catch her.

"I'll be right back I gotta go do something." I say I then ran into the pokemon center.

~Misty p.o.v~

"Finally time to tell him!" I thought.

"Hey Brock guess what?" I asked him mischievously.

"What?" He asked confused.

"(Y/n) kissed your forehead when you were sleeping! "I said in a sing song voice.

"W-WHAT! Liar!" Brock exclaimed face full of redness.

"I'm not I saw her before she checked on charmander, I think she likes you!" I said giving him wiggly eyebrows.

"I-I-!" Brock's face turns tomato red.

(Y/n) p.o.v

"Hey guys! I'm back let's go."

~time skip after she catches squirtle (and gets another Pokemon egg that she found in a forest, the eggs dark green, yes I'm lazy)


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