your team *update*

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*ranked strongest to weakest*

pikachu- (Male) iron tail, volt tackle, electro ball, thunderbolt, thunder shock, thunder wave, flamethrower, surf, focus punch, mach punch ( has an ever stone)

mew- (Female) giga impact, thunderbolt, shadow ball, psycho cut, confusion, teleport, psychic, agility, protect, iron tail, future sight, trick room, close combat, surf, giga drain.

mew two- (Female) shadow ball, psycho cut, confusion, teleport, psychic, protect, trick room, disable, future sight, Draco meteor, dragon pulse, dragon tail, iron tail. (now called Emmy, yes i changed it)

lucario- (Female) double team, agility, brick break, bone rush, bone rush, crunch, flame kick, close combat, mach punch, hyper beam, taunt, close combat, focus punch, aura sphere, telepathy, night shade, low sweep.

venesaur- (Male) solar beam, sunny day, vine whip, hydro pump, pedal dance, protect, double team, energy ball, thunderbolt, flamethrower.

charizard- (Female) flamethrower, protect, double team, dragon claw, roar, solar beam, sunny day, fire blast, Draco meteor, blast burn, dragon tail, surf.

greninja- (Female) water shuriken, solar beam, thunderbolt, protect, flame thrower, double team, Ariel ace, rain dance, leaf storm, hydro pump, disable, psychic, night slash.

latios- (Male) Draco meteor, solar beam, quick attack, dragon claw, dragon pulse, close combat, psychic, flamethrower, surf, ice beam, psycho cut.

blaziken-(Male) flame thrower, blast burn, Draco meteor, mach punch, sky uppercut, fir spin, flare kick, low kick, horn drill aura sphere.

blastoise-(Male) hydro cannon, surf, withdraw, rapid spin, hydro pump,flame thrower, thunderbolt, extreme speed, solar beam, rain dance, gyro ball.

(Triton) gyrados shiny-(Male) hydro pump water pulse, double team, twister, flame thrower, sunny day, thunderbolt, solar beam, Draco meteor, dragon tail, surf, leer, fire blast.

(Poseidon) gyrados-(Male) hyper beam, protect, thunderbolt, rain dance, flame thrower, Draco meteor, agility, double team, hydro pump, twister, dragon rage, psychic.

absol- (Female) stone edge, crunch, agility, protect, double team, scratch, shadow ball, Ariel ace, bulk up, close combat, flare kick, night shade.

umbreon- (Male) dark pulse, foul play, night shade, sucker punch, psychic, protect, double team, night slash, future sight, crunch, moon blast.

suicune- (Male) agility, hyper beam, surf, vine whip, quick attack, giga drain, thunderbolt, flame thrower, protect, ice beam.

espeon- (Female) protect, thunderbolt, Ariel ace, energy ball, flame thrower, close combat, double team, scratch, shadow ball, rain dance, blizzard, psychic, confusion, psycho cut, disable.

pidgeot-(Female) gust, silver wind, horn drill, double team, Ariel ace, protect screech, glare, whirlwind, hurricane, steel wing, brave bird, iron tail.

dragonite-(Male) dragon rage, flame thrower, thunder bolt, steel wing, Draco meteor, dragon tail, seismic toss, flare kick, close combat, ice beam.

sylveon-(Female) fairy wind, moon blast, scratch, vine whip, trick room, dazzling gleam, flash, mirror coat, draining kiss, disarming voice, play rough, protect.

lycanroc (midnight form)-(Female) rock throw, accelerock, agility, bite, solar beam, surf, sunny day, blast burn, ice beam, flame thrower, psychic, shadow ball.

butterfree- (Male) sleep powder, gust, bug buzz, thunderbolt, roar, protect, x scissor, energy ball, stun spore, agility, earthquake, surf, water pulse.

glaceon-(female) ice beam, thunderbolt, rain dance, surf, hyper beam, agility, solar beam, night shade, double team, protect, ice shard.

flareon-(Male) sunny day, blast burn, flame thrower, iron tail, earth quake, double team, protect, thunderbolt, agility.

areodactly-(male) steel wing, hurricane, gen headbutt, seismic toss, rock smash, draco meteor, solar beam, surf, sunny day, blast burn, ice beam.

jolteon-(Male) thunderbolt, surf, protect, double team, ice beam, agility, trick room, electric terrain, dig, flare kick, iron tail.

vaporeon-(Female) surf, Ariel ace, protect, ice beam, psychic, confusion, double team, protect, blast burn, ominous wind, dragon tail.

eevee ( has ever stone)-(Male) protect, double team, agility, shadow ball, thunderbolt, close combat, iron tail, swift, shadow sneak.

riolu (has ever stone)-(Male) bone rush, aura sphere, close combat, flare kick, dragon rush, seismic toss, brick break, thunderbolt, mach punch, low sweep, telepathy, aura sphere.

(Keep in mind that her weakest Pokemon (riolu) could take down lances dragonite, i know cool)


all extinct Pokemon you caught at the dig is with Delia and her garden. except aerodactly (wont be mentioned much)

will have two Pokemon capable of mega evolving Pokemon before the league (or more if i feel like it)

(has told professor oak about mew and other legendary Pokemon, he nearly had a heart attack)

also just because i don't right some episodes doesn't mean it didn't happen, Brock has a golbat (evolved) and misty has a horsea i just don't feel like writing about it because i'm lazy.

i think i confused some people when misty said "i think were missing something care to tell us" misty, alain, and Marin know that there dating but they DON'T know about the kiss.

Brock's family and your mom know that you and Brock are dating. Brock's family was ecstatic that they had a big sister and your mom loved how sweet and caring Brock was (she knows cause you call her every chance you get and her and Brock bonded over cooking and sharing recipes as you watched in the background sweat dropping at the scene in front of you.)

when i said you use 4 or less Pokemon to win the league i meant in each match.

if i can keep writhing this story i might do a story on (Y/n) and Brock's kids, (i haven't decided)

thanks for the reads i'm very grateful.

See you next chapter!!!!

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