Chapter 17/ training

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(i don't feel like doing the riddles sorry, to lazy and this chapters kinda cheesy, live with it)

Pokemon on hand;





mew two

gyrados (Poseidon)



chespin (Male)

fenniken (male)

(Y/n) p.o.v

"we finally made it pikachu, we'll get my 7th gym badge here, I cant wait!" I said smiling.


"lets go!" i said while running off leaving everyone behind sweat dropping. i walked in front or the Pokemon center and gave my nurse to nurse joy.

"hey nurse joy do you know where the gym is?" I asked curiously.

"oh the gym is in the volcano." nurse joy said happily before walking away with my Pokemon.

"Volcano huh?" i thought while putting my chin in my hand. i sigh and walk away, waiting for the others to catch up.


I turned my head to see Riley and his lucario walking towards me.

"hey Riley, lucario what are you doing here?" I ask curiously.

"oh i'm on my way to viridian city. theirs some strong psychic energy coming from that direction." he replied with pink cheeks.

I smile "that sounds really cool!" I turn my head when I hear the poke center doors open.

~Brock p.o.v~

i walked into the poke center doors only to see Riley and (Y/n) talking, i know i don't own her but i cant help but feel a bit jealous. my lovable girlfriend is smiling and giggling with another guy. she suddenly called us over. I walked over to her with everyone else, and i look at Riley.

"so what are you doing here Riley?" i ask trying to keep my cool.

he then tells me and everyone else he's heading to viridian city. now i hate to break the 4th wall, but I don't think that he knows that me and (Y/n) are dating. i can see how the audience would love for (Y/n) and him or alain be together rather than me and her.

I love the author for giving the underrated character a chance, when other authors would pick more cool looking characters. (not dragging, or trying to spill tea, and yes I did just break the fourth wall) now I realize I've been going on a rant. back to the story.

~(Y/n) p.o.v~

I looked at Brock and see him deep in thought. I smile at him, then the intercom comes on.

"(Y/n) ketchum please come to the front desk to pick up your Pokemon."

"i'll be right back!" i say walking towards nurse joy.

"hey buddy!" i say as pikachu jumps on my shoulder.

"pika!" I grinned.

"you ready for the gym pikachu?" I ask as I put the rest of my Pokemon on my belt.

"pika-chu!" I grin from ear to ear, and walk to the others after thanking nurse joy.

"so Riley maybe we could travel together for a while, after i beat this gym, then were gonna head to virdian city. we could travel together till you have to part ways what do you say?, it'd be really fun!" i asked smiling.

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