Chapter 3

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(I don't own the picture)

Riolu p.o.v

  I woke up warm, and noticed I had a blanket and pillow, I sat up, looked around and noticed all the Pokemon had blankets and pillows. I then looked over at (Y/n) and noticed she was cold and didn't have a blanket. I assume she must really care for all of us. "I'm glad she's my trainer if that's the case."
I thought to myself.

Sooner or later all her other Pokemon woke up as well looking at her smiling even mew woke up and, smiled at her.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I looked at them all and smiled, "maybe I can finally have a family!"

(Y/n) p.o.v
I wake up to see all my Pokemon up and talking to riolu. "I'm glad there excepting her." I thought.

"Alright who's hungry?" I ask. They all nod at me excitedly.

"Let me get changed then I'll make breakfast for everyone!" I said happily. They all shout their names, while I smile.

  I go upstairs and take a shower, dry my hair and brush my teeth. I change into a white T-shirt with baggy ripped up jeans and black vans. I then walked down stairs and started to cook.

    ~time skip~ I cooked bacon, eggs, muffins, toast, sausage, and pancakes for me and Misty, and poke puffs and poke food for our Pokemon

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  ~time skip~
I cooked bacon, eggs, muffins, toast, sausage, and pancakes for me and Misty, and poke puffs and poke food for our Pokemon. "Now to wake Misty up!" I said thoughtfully while sweat dropping. The Pokémon nod as they dug into the food.

  I go upstairs and knock on Misty's door. "Hey Misty I made breakfast get ready and come down stairs." I said nervously.

"Alright I'll be down there in a minute." misty said annoyed. I walk down stairs sighing in relief. No one ever wants to wake misty up. I don't really blame them though she's a monster in the morning. I grab some pancakes and sausage and eggs, and start to eat.

"I think you guys are ready for the gym, what do you think?" I asked suddenly. They cheer loudly, except for riolu who simply nods. I laugh, "glad to know your all excited."

Right on queue Misty came out of her usual attire wearing a yellow crop top and short jean shorts.

"good morning Misty, how'd you sleep?" I asked happily.

"Morning (Y/n), I slept like a log. She said stuffing her face. I sweat drop.

Am I the only one who eats civilized? I thought, "Oh, Misty I've decided to challenge the gym now." I said thoughtfully.

"Thank goodness now, we can get out of this forest for good." Misty said relieved.

~after breakfast and packing up~

"Alright everyone return" I recalled everyone except pikachu.

"You ready buddy?"


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