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"Just give up already, cousin." Bella joked breathlessly, her wrist holding the sword swiftly, trying to win this friendly yet aggressive match.

"Not a chance, cous, I will win this time." Dylan fired back, smirking teasingly at her while she just rolled her eyes. He has no chance against her. With that last thought, Bella raised her sword again to try and make him throw his own. She wasn't one to lose. "sneaky, I see, but I was already prepared for that."

"Ugh, guys, just end this training already. We all know Bella will win like every time, brother." Tia huffed, throwing her hands on her long lacey dress. She was bored watching them training.

Tia was never into things like swords, guns, or self-defense moves. Despite her being a princess and needs to know all that to protect herself from any attacks or any kind of danger, she rarely participated in their training. Being a king's daughter who rules a whole kingdom has many flaws -of course, it has its perks, but still, they like to be always prepared- hence, she is still aware of some technique and is mindful of basic simple defense rules.

However, for her, she just doesn't care about martial arts, so her father, the King, surrounds her with at least eight bodyguards. After the tragedy that has fallen upon their family, he had to take extra precautions.

"And you are dead!" Bella yelled excitedly, placing the sword at Dylan's neck, not too close to hurt him but close enough to lay her claim. Like any other training among them, She was the winner of this match.

"What! That's not fair, sis, I never saw that move. Its a new one, how should I predict it?" Dylan groaned, throwing his hands in the air.

"Well, that's how you should play Dyl, you can never predict. You should always be prepared." Bella shrugged, giving her sword to the servant.

"That's why she is better than you at that violent stuff." Tia pointed out, taking a sip from her tea in a lady-like way as they have been taught since they were young.

"Thanks for the support, dear sister!" Dylan huffed, feeling utterly betrayed.

"You are welcome, dear brother." Tia smiled sweetly at him while Bella giggled at Dylan's roasted ass.

"Prince Dylan, princess Tia, and princess Bella," One of the servants came bowing to them. "...the king requires your immediate presence at the big hall after you are done training." They nodded at him dismissively, and he was on his way after a curt bow.

"What do you think he needs us for?" Tia asked, curious about her father's sudden order.

"I don't know. Last time he called us urgently..." Dylan made air quotations with his fingers at the last word."...was because Bella broke a photographer's camera along with his arm sending him to hospital." Dylan wiggled his brows at Bella, teasing her as he knows how much that incident gets on her nerves and how much trouble she got into with her uncle after the whole incident was leaked to the media. They kept rambling about how unladylike princess Bella is and how she behaves violently, unlike a princess way.

"It wasn't my fault that those snobs kept sticking to my ass every place I go, taking pictures and blurting so many questions at me not giving me any damn privacy!" Bella shrugged, eerily calm despite the storm brewing inside her. "They just get on my nerves, and papa knows it, but he still grounded me for it." She was folding her arms by now, still annoyed by this whole ordeal.

"Oh my god! Language Bella, you are a princess, and you shouldn't talk like that. Tia scolded, "You know that you have to get used to it by now that's how the royal family's life is. No privacy at all." Dylan snorted at that, earning a glare from Tia.

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