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She had to take a breather. It was almost time for the cake, and she wasn't feeling well. Like every year, she almost had a breakdown. However, this year, she couldn't do that, especially when it is an important day for both Dylan and Ashley.

She felt suffocated with all the attention.

So, she did the only thing she is good at and ran away. She ran away from all that unwanted attention . She ran away from the party that she dreads every year.

Yet, she couldn't run away from her haunting thoughts. She couldn't run away from her depression and guilt suffocating her heart. As she arrived at the terrace -at the private party in the palace that no guests are allowed to- She felt the tears escape. Taking a deep breath, she let more tears fall. She let all the agony and heartbreak consume her. She was thankful that her makeup is waterproofed. Otherwise, she would have been in so much trouble more than what she will already be in.

She couldn't help but blame that tragic event on her birthday.

She always felt that maybe if they weren't coming back hurridly for her birthday and came later as planned, they would be here, but she knew that it was foolish thinking.

However, she couldn't stop the guilt.

Moreover, she couldn't help but hate her birthday with her parents won't be with her anymore celebrating it together doing their traditional small celebration together.

It was her 9th birthday; The last birthday they have attended with her.


"Did you like your birthday party, Bella?" King Xavier asked with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yes, daddy!" Young Bella clapped her hands as she kept jumping up and down. "And did you see what Dylan and Tia brought me? It is awesome!" They just got back from Bella's grande party, and the young girl's enthusiasm is still high with so much adrenaline pumping into her system. She loved her birthday parties, they are always the best, and she would have so much fun with her family and citizens.

"Well, there is still one more thing to do before we end this marvelous day, hmm?" Queen Sofia's amused tone caught Bella's attention.

Bella looked at her, confused for a moment. "What mor—" then it hit her and once again started jumping up and down with a huge grin decorating her bubbly face. "oh, oh, oh! Let's do it, let's go, mommy!" She started dragging her chuckling mother to where they usually do their small traditional celebration. "wow!" She gasped as soon as the servants opened the door to the decorated room. "Mommy, look at those sparkling pink lights." Her little feet carried her into the room that glowed with pinkish lights. They knew she had a thing for pink, so they decorated the whole room with pink stuff; even the cake was pink and had flowers decorating it, also because Bella has been showing a huge interest in flowers.

"You like it, mia Bella?" Queen Sofia's voice cut Bella off from her gazing.

"La adora, mommy!" With a huge grin, Bella ran to her parents and engulfed them with her tiny arms in a hug. "vi amo entrambi. Thank you!"

[translation: I love it, mommy.]

[translation: I love you both.]

"Anything for our little princess." King Xavier cupped his daughter 's cheek lovingly, feeling so blessed at the moment. "Now, Let's go cut the cake and make your wish." Bella nodded, then ran to where the cake is with her parents following her, big smiles decorating their faces. Their little baby girl is growing up so fast.

They sang and blew off the candles after making her wish, then like each year, king Xavier dipped his finger in the creamy cake and wiped it across his little princess's face, then did the same to her mother. Following his lead, Queen Sofia did the same to both her husband and daughter, then it was Bella's turn to do it to her parents. As silly as it appears, it was their own pleasurable tradition—something this small family only did and liked to share among themselves.

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